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HR Management

Can We Retain Old Time Sheets Electronically?


It’s a nightmare to keep paper copies of all our employees’ time sheets. I can scan them and save them in electronic format. Can I throw out the paper copies after I scan them in?

Where To Store Drug-Test Paperwork?


We drug test regularly. Do I have to put the test results in a separate confidential file …

The Legal Risk Of Keeping Records Off Site


We store most of our records off site. Are there any consequences of keeping them there?

When Supervisors Keep ‘Unofficial’ Personnel Files


Some of our managers keep personnel files that they don’t share with HR. Basically, these are “journals” about their employees. Is that OK, or should everything be kept in a centralized personnel file?

Immigration reform: States pick up ball U.S. Senate dropped


When the U.S. Senate failed to pass comprehensive immigration-reform legislation last month, the problem didn’t go away. Now states are stepping in to craft local solutions to problems related to undocumented immigrants. Employers are likely to bear the enforcement burden.

Think you have a drug-Free workplace? Think again


If you think your workplace is drug-free, chances are you’re wrong. According to a new government survey, one of every 12 U.S. workers uses illegal drugs. That’s up from earlier surveys. Here’s more on the trend and what employers can do about it …

The new EEO-1 form: Prepare for big changes


Many employers need to file the EEOC’s annual EEO-1 report by September 30. Get ready for big changes, as the form has been significantly revised for the first time in 40 years.

Job applications: How to create a legally safe form


No single federal law governs job applications. Your biggest risk is asking unnecessary questions that run afoul of federal or state laws banning job discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, religion, national origin or disability. But, done right, your application can be a great tool to communicate important information

Half of companies ignore their survey results


Almost half of organizations that survey their employees ignore the feedback, says the latest study from Opinion Research Corp. Advice: If you’re not going to act on the findings, don’t conduct the survey …

After cleaning out his desk, he cleaned out their data, too


A disgruntled former IT worker for Pentastar Aviation in Waterford hacked into the company’s systems and deleted sensitive employee data, causing $34,000 in damages. He’s now facing criminal charges …