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HR Management

No raise = no review; a losing strategy


“We’ve put a freeze on pay raises, so why do we need to keep doing performance reviews?” The recession has led many employers to ask themselves that question. But dropping reviews can be a morale buster and liability magnet.

Dogged by sexual harassment suit, PetSmart settles


A manager for PetSmart’s Pottstown and Wyomissing, Pa., stores got his employer in the doghouse after he sexually harassed female employees. It seems the manager was something of a beast. When female employees complained, they got the corporate equivalent of “Sit! Stay!” PetSmart failed to address the women’s concerns.

It’s not hogwash: Prepare now for the coming swine flu pandemic


Federal and state public health agencies are closely monitoring the H1N1 influenza (also known as swine flu) that was first identified this spring. Since then, every state in the U.S. has had confirmed cases of the virus. It’s not time to panic—but it is time for businesses to think strategically, be proactive and be prepared.

What should we consider as we implement a community service evaluation measure?


Q. Our CEO just implemented a new employee evaluation goal that calls for employees to do charitable volunteer work throughout the year. The more they volunteer, the higher the points they receive on their review, ultimately increasing their salaries. Can we do this without risk?

What should we do? Employee has used all her sick leave, but she’s still sick


Q. One of our employees is out sick and has already used up all her sick leave hours. Can we legally subtract from her vacation time instead?

Train supervisors to refer potential FMLA leave requests to HR


Employees who need FMLA leave don’t have to specifically say so. They just have to give enough information to let their employers know they may have a serious health condition. That’s why you need to train supervisors to let HR handle all leave requests involving health problems of any sort.

Warn employees: We’re monitoring your e-mail


California employees have a constitutional right to privacy. That doesn’t mean, however, that employers can’t monitor e-mail sent to and from company computers and servers. The key: a policy that makes it clear that transmittals are not private.

Review privacy and surveillance policies in light of new California Supreme Court ruling


The California Supreme Court has ruled in a case involving video camera surveillance and employee privacy rights. The court said employees do indeed have a right to considerable privacy at work, but that in this particular case the employer had acted reasonably and limited the surveillance to what was necessary under the circumstances.

Adopt civility policy, punish disruptive behavior


The workplace is meant for working, and employers have the right to expect their employees to behave themselves. You can and should demand that all your employees treat each other, customers, supervisors and everyone else with dignity. If you don’t already have a civility rule, consider adopting one.

5 signs you’re sending negative vibes


Real professionals are often in the position of having to say “no” to employees. Don’t make that negative perception worse with the nonverbal cues you may be inadvertently giving off. Here are five negative “microexpressions” common to women …