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HR Management

Outsourcing, recession make HR-to-staff ratios less precise


While there is no “correct” HR-to-staff ratio, one HR professional per 100 employees is a generally accepted starting point. But HR-to-staff ratios have become less precise—and harder to interpret—due to the economic downturn, layoffs and the continued growth of outsourcing. Still worth measuring?

Social media: The 7 elements of a legally smart company policy


Social media can help you collect industry-based knowledge, reach new customers and build your brand. But those benefits come with their fair share of legal risks. You need a comprehensive social media policy to guide employees on your expectations about their online behavior, especially when that conduct occurs in the name of the organization.

Adult children and health insurance: Know the new law’s intricacies

The new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act significantly changes the health care landscape for many employers. Some aspects of the law took effect in September 2010. Most significantly, employees’ children are eligible for coverage until age 26. The new coverage requirement affects all plans renewing on or after Sept. 23, 2010.

The upside of a down economy: On-the-job fatalities declined by 17% in past year

The 4,340 fatalities recorded in U.S. workplaces in 2009 was 17% below the 2008 count of 5,214. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics says the drop is mostly attributable to high unemployment and, more specifically, layoffs in construction and mining.

Can we be liable for religious bias if we require a job applicant to cut his hair?

Q. Our company requires male employees to keep their hair short. However, a recent applicant has stated that his religion doesn’t allow him to cut his hair. Will requiring him to cut his hair to get the job violate federal law?

Approach diversity with head, heart and wallet

Organizations typically approach diversity from three perspectives: with their heads, with their hearts or with their wallets. When you see a diversity effort that failed, or just didn’t deliver the intended results, it’s usually because that organization approached the effort from just one of those mindsets.

With Cyber Monday looming, it’s time to reinforce your Internet policy

The day after Thanksgiving has come to be known as Black Friday, when hordes descend on malls to get a jump on holiday shopping. It will be followed by Cyber Monday, the day when office workers nationwide clog company servers with a frenzy of online holiday shopping. So now’s a good time remind employees of your Internet usage policy. A good policy emphasizes that …

Remind bosses: Ignoring safety may mean direct liability

Employees who are hurt—or families of those killed on the job—generally must be content with the payments they’re eligible to receive under the New Jersey workers’ compensation law. There is an exception, however. If an employer knows that a safety hazard exists that will injure or kill an employee and harm results, the harmed parties may go after the employer.

Employees post online reviews? They must disclose relationship

Be careful if your employees are spreading the word about your company’s products and services online. Last year, the FTC issued new Enforcement Guidelines that require employees to disclose their relationships with their employer whenever they post comments or positive reviews about their employer’s product on a social media site.

How employers can respond to increasingly stressed workers


Today’s economic climate has caused employers to cut budgets and workforces—and expect workers to do more with less. As they see colleagues laid off and their employers cutting back, employees are more concerned than ever about their own job security. It makes sense for employers to address stress issues in their workforces, since increased stress affects not only employees, but employers’ bottom lines.