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HR Management

Layoffs looming? OK to consider training participation when deciding who goes


Like other employers, your organization probably is trying to use employees as efficiently as possible. That may include eliminating some jobs and training employees to pick up additional tasks. You may want to consider creating a cross-training program before deciding which employees to terminate. Those who show a willingness to learn new skills and the ability to perform them well are probably the “keepers” on your staff. Just make sure you offer everyone the same opportunity to learn.

Going social: Top 10 pitfalls of social media for business

Millions of companies and entrepreneurs are jumping into the social media world only to find their efforts aren’t capturing the results they’d hoped for. Half the battle is knowing which mistakes not to make. Here are the top 10 pitfalls companies make, according to Barry Libert, author of the new book Social Nation:

The 4 key factors to keep ’em happy & in their seats


The “at least I have a job” feeling is starting to wear off among employed Americans. After years of taking on new duties at their old pay, many are feeling overworked, underpaid and underpromoted. Two in five of them are seeking new jobs. Here are four key things your employees will look for elsewhere if you’re not providing it:

Get twice as much done in half the time

Smart time management doesn’t always guarantee you’ll work productively. You’ll operate most efficiently if you banish aimless anxieties and the urge to procrastinate. Follow this road map to actually increase the amount you accomplish at work.

Make sure managers know laws against employee discrimination


Last year, U.S. employees filed the second highest number of EEOC complaints claiming they suffered discrimination at work. You know that U.S. anti-discrimination laws require treating all applicants and employees equally. But do your organization’s supervisors understand the relevant laws? Pass along this primer on federal anti-bias laws to make sure your compliance efforts start right on the front line.

How to draft a social networking company policy

According to a recent survey, 22% of employees say they use some form of social networking five or more times per week, and 15% admit they access social networking while at work for personal reasons. Yet, only 22% of companies have a formal policy that guides employees in how they can use social networking at work. Here’s why you need one—and what it should include.

What are the new federal I-9 rules?

Q. How does the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s new rule change an employer’s Form I-9 responsibilities?

$10 million settlement puts brakes on Roadway lawsuit


Racial harassment complaints against Roadway Express for actions that took place at its Chicago Heights and Elk Grove Village locations were so involved they outlasted the company. Roadway recently merged with Yellow Transportation to form YRC, one of the nation’s largest freight haulers. Now the new entity is on the hook for millions of dollars—and a big culture change courtesy of the EEOC.

IHOP owners flipped, harassment onus didn’t

Flipmeastack, an Illinois franchisee for the International House of Pancakes restaurant chain, will have to implement sexual harassment training and pay out $105,000 following a federal judge’s decision. The decision upheld an earlier jury award to two teenage employees at the franchisee’s Racine, Wis., location.

How to sell HR budgets to CFOs


If your organization’s fiscal calendar works like many others, you’re right in the middle of the busiest time of the year. It’s budget season! While you’re reviewing past expenditures and making projections for 2011, don’t forget to factor in one of the most crucial aspects of the budget process: Convincing your chief financial officer to back your HR budget proposal.