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HR Management

Worried about reining in religious tension? Don’t ban all discussion of faith

Some employers ban discussion of religion at work, believing that talking about faith might constitute harassment or coercion of workers who aren’t members of a majority religious group. But such a prohibition can cause more problems than it solves.

10 big benefits ideas from the smallest employers

A report from SHRM and the Families and Work Institute identified dozens of small organizations—those with staffs of 20 or fewer—that think big when it comes to employee benefits and work/life initiatives. Examples of some big ideas:

Quit guessing at training ROI: Use this simple formula instead

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment. Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use this formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t.

How to make the leap to electronic HR records

Given the low cost and the easy accessibility of electronic records storage, many employers are making the digital leap to “paperless” HR. But despite the many benefits of going paperless, a host of legal problems could derail even the best-intentioned digital records plan. Carefully consider these legal issues when transitioning to an electronic personnel records system.

KPMG, AT&T help employees commemorate 9/11 anniversary

Employees at tax giant KPMG and telecommunications leader AT&T commemorated the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by volunteering at more than 200 nonprofits across the country.

What makes for a lousy day at work?

Boredom, lame co-workers and slacker bosses can ruin any HR pro’s day.

10 tips to head off your holiday headaches


’Tis the season for employees to be stressed and distracted by online shopping, post-party hangovers, visiting relatives, end-of-year deadlines, money woes and sugar-induced belly­aches. Here’s what to watch out for when the holidays are just around the corner.

Death puts Marietta company on OSHA watch list


A horrific accident that killed a worker in March 2011 has led to $186,300 in fines for Refuse Recycling, based in Marietta. Inspectors from OSHA were called to the plant after an employee was found dead inside a rotating drum that screens recyclables from other refuse.

Employer’s decision to lock doors on night shift leads to $62,000 fine

OSHA standards require that employees be able to open an exit route door from inside at all times, without keys, tools or special knowledge. Last month OSHA slapped a supermarket with more than $62,000 in fines for locking all five exit doors during the night shift.

Lawsuit insurance: Does your policy cover EEOC claims?

If your organization carries employment practices liability insurance (EPLI), make sure your coverage includes claims made by the EEOC and all other such federal, state and local agencies. As Cracker Barrel learned, an EPLI umbrella policy may actually let in some rain … $2.7 million worth.