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HR Management

Pandemic echoes keep resonating for HR pros

Dealing with the lingering effects of the pandemic—especially recruiting challenges—will dominate the HR profession for the rest of the year, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s new State of the Workplace Study.

DOL seeks nominations to join workforce information council

The U.S. Department of Labor is soliciting someone to represent the business community on the federal Workforce Information Advisory Council.

Snapshot: Return-to-work vax status

Roughly one in five employees who work on-site say their employer required them to get a covid-19 vaccine.

Lure workers back by welcoming dogs, too

While 67% of employees polled by pet-product company Honest Paws said they would consider looking for a new job if they were no longer allowed to work remotely, 78% said they would stay if they could bring their pets to work.

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’22

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Less than 1 in 10 ‘committed’ to their employer

The pandemic has put a strain on all relationships, including the employer-employee kind.

Remote work leads to spike in tech ailments

As more people work from home, all that increased screen time and makeshift office furniture is leading to an increase in technology-related injuries.

DOL: That guy you just fired might be a whistleblower

OSHA has a litigation unit devoted solely to enforcing 20 different whistleblower laws that fall under the Department of Labor’s jurisdiction. Here’s an example of the kind of case this unit handles.

Consider updating workplace romance rules

It will soon be five years since the viral #MeToo social media movement raised awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace. A series of high-profile investigations and firings prompted many employers to amend their policies governing romantic relationships among co-workers and between bosses and subordinates.

That’s why she sued: 7 employment law lessons from ‘The Office’

HR professionals undoubtedly cringe when watching reruns of “The Office.” Throughout the show, Michael Scott and his team committed so many employment law blunders that would have triggered huge lawsuit verdicts in real life. Here are a few good lessons that HR professionals and managers can learn from all that bad behavior.