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HRIS / Technology

What legal issues does GPS monitoring raise?


Q. Our company would like to start a program where all sales employees will use cell phones that have GPS monitoring. We want to keep track of where employees are so we can make sure they make their sales calls in their own territories and are not wasting time. Is this OK to do? Must we tell employees about the GPS monitoring? What about tracking employees after hours? …

Can you fire someone for his online (but off-Duty) actions?

The Internet has created a whole new pond for employment lawyers to fish in. But you’re not powerless to your employees’ embarrassing—and potentially illegal—online activities. You can discipline employees who go over the line. You should specify what off-duty activity is prohibited in terms of unbecoming, immoral or illegal behavior …

Warn staff of new e-Mail scams using IRS’ name

The IRS last month posted a warning to taxpayers about e-mail and phone-based scams that falsely use the IRS’ name. The goal: Trick you into giving up your Social Security number, credit card info and other key financial data …

Business.gov now offers state compliance advice

The U.S. government’s main web site for business regulatory compliance, www.Business.gov, has always billed itself as the go-to site for federal compliance. But its new search features and expanded content now allow you to search for information on regulatory information from state and local governments, too …

Paying candidates for interviews: Folly or the future?


In many cases, the best candidates for your job openings aren’t in the job market. They’re happily employed elsewhere, and they need a major incentive to show up at your door for an interview. A new start-up job board intends to create that incentive …

3 free tools to perk up employee teamwork


If your organization hasn’t moved beyond “reply all” e-mails as its sole means of online employee interaction, promote any of these three options to spark more interaction and productivity …

4 new tricks for long-Distance training

Thanks to flashy new tools, you can compose and distribute business slide shows online in novel ways. You may have heard about Google’s new web-based presentation tool. Here are other ways to give your bullet-point training more impact …

Warn staff of new e-Mail scams using IRS’ name

The IRS has posted a warning about e-mail and phone-based scams that falsely use the agency’s name. The goal: Trick people into giving up their Social Security numbers and other financial data …

The water cooler dies: Office gossip spreads faster online


Gossip and nonwork chatter that spread via e-mail, instant messages (IMs) or texting can easily be captured and saved, possibly for a jury to see someday. The solution: Don’t let workplace-related gossip spread unfettered. Establish a reputation as an open-door HR department, and become a “news creator” rather than constantly responding with damage control to squash rumors …

Goes without saying, but say it anyway: No porn at work


You would think it’s common sense, but apparently it’s not. While viewing pornography may be perfectly legal in one’s home (with some exceptions, such as that containing images of children), such viewing has absolutely no place at work. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals consistently has ruled “the mere presence of pornography in a workplace can alter the ‘status’ of women” and may be objective proof of a hostile environment …