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HRIS / Technology

ICE agent in hot water over political data sharing

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Cory Voorhis is on unpaid leave over allegations that he misused confidential agency data to aid the 2006 gubernatorial campaign of Bob Beauprez …

Florida employers would be wise to have a computer-Use policy

It may not be a knife or a gun, but a computer is often a choice weapon when an employee decides to commit a crime. Employers that do not have—or consistently enforce—a computer-use policy may face unintended liability …

The power of PowerPoint, and a gentle letdown

Salvatore Salerno, a sociology instructor at the Hutchinson campus of Ridgewater College, sued for age discrimination after being passed over for a full-time, tenure-track position …

Half of employers have fired staff for online abuses

More than a quarter of employers say they’ve fired employees for misusing e-mail, and one-third have fired workers for misusing the Internet, according to an annual American Management Association survey …

Privacy issues and e-Mail monitoring

Q. We would like to monitor e-mail usage at our workplace. Can we access employee e-mail without violating their rights to privacy? …

Social media case study: Burt’s Bees boss blogs to beat bad buzz


When fans of natural cosmetics maker Burt’s Bees learned the company was selling itself to Clorox, a buzz of protest followed, as customers complained the bleach maker was not environmentally friendly. In response, CEO John Replogle went blogging …

9 questions to ask before you buy any HR software

A simple Google search for “HR software” will return a mind-numbing half million results. Some systems live up to the hype, and some don’t. To select the right vendor and software for your organization, arm yourself with these nine questions to narrow your search …

How to get your ‘e-Portfolio’ ready for Google

Whether or not you’re actively job hunting, it pays to ratchet up your professional image outside your office. (After all, you never know who might google your name.) For that, the e-portfolio can be your most powerful tool …

‘Just kidding. Can we come back now?’


Three teenage students suspended for calling a teacher a pedophile on the social networking site Facebook.com have settled their lawsuits with the Three Rivers School District in Cincinnati …

New York’s new employment laws hit employers hard


Last year, while you were hard at work, so was the New York Legislature. Lawmakers passed a record number of laws affecting employers in 2007. Some laws you may have read about, while others you may have missed. Make sure you’re up to speed on new state laws that surely will impact how you manage employees in 2008 and beyond …