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New Jersey Child Labor Law


Enforced by the Division of Wage and Hour Compliance, the New Jersey Child Labor Law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 for factory jobs and other specifically excluded occupations …

New York Human Rights Law


Under the New York Human Rights Law (NYHRL), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on age, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics or marital status …

New York Child Labor Law


The New York Child Labor Law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 for factory jobs and other specifically excluded occupations. Generally, those ages 14 to 16 can work outside school hours and during summer vacation. Certain industry-specific restrictions apply …

Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act


Under the Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act (OFEPA), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or ancestry. The OFEPA prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment and access to places of public accommodation …


Ohio New Hire Reporting Law


Employers must notify the Ohio New Hire Reporting Center (ONHRC) in the Department of Job & Family Services within 20 days of hiring or rehiring an employee. Be aware that you must also report independent contractors as new hires …

Ohio Minor Labor Law


The Ohio Minor Labor Law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 for several types of work. It also restricts the hours they can work and prohibits all youth under age 18 from working in certain occupations …

Illinois Human Rights Act


Under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status (with regard to employment), age (40 and over), marital status, familial status (with regard to housing), arrest record, physical or mental disability, military status, sexual orientation or unfavorable discharge from military service …

Illinois Child Labor Law


With the exception of minors age 14 or older participating in federally funded work-experience programs run by the State Board of Education, the Illinois Child Labor Law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 to work in theatres, concert halls or places of amusement; mercantile institutions, stores, offices, hotels and laundries; manufacturing establishments, mills, canneries, factories and workshops; restaurants and lunchrooms …

Michigan’s Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act


The Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act (PWDCRA) is Michigan’s version of the federal ADA, but it has some key differences …

Michigan Youth Employment Standards Act


Michigan’s child labor law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 in “an occupation that is hazardous or injurious to the minor’s health or personal well-being.” You may hire minors 14 years old provided you obtain permission from their school …