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Advocates urge Spitzer to get tough on labor-law violators


Immigrant advocacy groups banded together recently to urge Gov.-elect Eliot Spitzer to encourage the state’s Labor Department to pursue labor violations against whole industries in addition to individual companies …

Indiana Temporary Foreign Labor Certification Act


Indiana employers that want to hire foreign workers for specific temporary jobs must jump several hurdles. You must show that no qualified American workers are available for the position. Before advertising a position, you must obtain a prevailing wage statement from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Setting layoff criteria? You can ignore past performance


When planning a layoff or restructuring, you can set criteria for who gets the ax by focusing on employees’ potential future contributions and ignoring their past performance …

The right way to accommodate employees with diabetes


The numbers are daunting: Diabetes affects about one in 14 Americans and it’s the fifth leading cause of death in the country. Almost 80 percent more diabetics are in the U.S. work force now than just a decade ago, and experts predict those numbers will rise. For employers, the twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity are eating into profits and creating legal land mines …

Separate wheat from chaff: 21 smart interview questions


HR professionals often play it ultra-safe in interviewing. For fear of asking unusual, inappropriate or even illegal questions, they stick to bland, scripted queries that don’t draw applicants out of their comfort zone. That’s a sure path to hiring failure

‘Balanced hours’ program helps recruit, retain lawyers


Law firms often eschew scheduling flexibility because their income is based on billable hours. But the loss of a few hours isn’t as expensive as recruiting new lawyers. That’s why law firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham introduced its Balanced Hours program, allowing its busy lawyers to telework and flex their schedules

Candy bars and $100 bills help recognize work ‘Stars’


Since San Joaquin Gardens, a continuing care retirement community, began handing out candy bars and $100 bills, employee turnover has dipped 6 percent …

‘Best Companies to Work For’ list includes 5 Pa. employers


It’s not just about money, as Fortune’s new “100 Best Companies to Work For 2007” list shows. And five of those best places are in Pennsylvania

College sues feds over the right to post Christians-only job ads


Geneva College in Beaver Falls recently filed a lawsuit against federal and state labor officials after it was asked to strike a Christianity requirement from help-wanted ads before posting them on Team Pennsylvania CareerLink …

Headhunters Luring Your Staff? Fend ‘Em Off With Tough Tactics


Your organization continuously spends time and money to replace employees wooed away by headhunters. You know the best defense against all turnover—including headhunters—is a workplace that values employees. But as a last resort, you can also turn to proactive anti-poaching strategies