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‘Best Companies to Work For’ includes 26 New York firms


Corporate culture figured prominently in Fortune’s recently released list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007.” The list includes 11 companies headquartered in New York, plus 15 others operating in the state …

Can we require medical tests or treatment?


Q. I’m confused about when we can require physical exams or treatment. We now make employees undergo a fitness-for-duty exam when we think there is a physical or psychological reason that impairs the employee’s ability to perform the job. We also use last-chance agreements requiring medical treatment for an employee to earn reinstatement after a discharge, such as for alcohol or drug abuse. Are we courting trouble? —D.J., Michigan

FLSA: Child Labor Rules


HR Law 101: The child labor provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act restrict the amount of time and conditions under which minors age 17 and younger are permitted to work …

Independent Contractors: Liability Issues


HR Law 101: When independent contractors are acting as a company’s agents, the company is liable for their actions, according to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2003 …

Job Descriptions


HR Law 101: Even though job descriptions are absolutely essential, too few employers use them effectively, and some even view them as a nuisance. Every employer should maintain a file of up-to-date job descriptions for all the positions in the organization …

Job Advertisements


HR Law 101: Make sure your job advertisements are based on accurate, up-to-date job descriptions and comply with anti-discrimination laws. Don’t use phrases like “perfect for college students” or “ideal for working mothers” …

Prevent bias against men who take FMLA leave


Would your hiring managers react negatively to male employees or applicants just because they took FMLA leave to care for a newborn or a sick family member? …

Managers who hire for ‘Right look’ may be discriminating


Image is everything, as the saying goes. But be extra careful that your pursuit of a certain work-force image doesn’t result in the weeding out of legally protected employees (females, minorities, older workers, etc.) …

Calculating FMLA eligibility? Add in prior service


To be eligible for FMLA leave, employees must work for your organization for at least 12 months. But take note: Those months don’t need to be consecutive …

Hired a dud? Double-Check that person’s qualifications and sniff out exaggerations


You’ve no doubt hired a candidate who looks great on paper but quickly shows deficiencies. The experience he or she listed on the résumé isn’t apparent when the person starts work. Before long, you realize your mistake and fire the new employee, who then sues for discrimination