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Dining-Out dogs take precedence over illegal immigrants

The 2008 session of the Minnesota Legislature closed without hearings on any illegal immigration bills, despite Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s calls earlier this year for a crackdown. “We had time to debate whether dogs should be allowed to eat in cafés … But we didn’t have time to stop identity theft or human trafficking,” House Minority Leader Marty Seifert groused …

Is E-Verify mandatory in Minnesota?

Q. I have heard rumors that Minnesota employers are now required to use E-Verify. What is this? …

The wisdom of correcting I-9s

Q. As the HR person at our company, I just recently concluded an internal audit of the Form I-9s that we have on file. I am concerned that many of those forms may be incorrectly filled out. Should I just throw them all out and complete new Form I-9s for our employees? …

Best of the Worst: Applicants Learn New Ways to Self-Destruct

Normal people try to put their best foot forward during job interviews. Others not so much. Like the applicant who showed up drunk. Or the guy who picked his nose. A new survey reveals some of the strangest, rudest behavior applicants display during job interviews.

Transparency is key to lawsuit-Proof promotions process

If, like most organizations, you prefer to promote from within, here’s a good rule of thumb: Follow careful procedures in your selection process. That way, you can choose the best applicant for the job and also be able to easily justify your selection if a disgruntled and rejected applicant sues …

Court warns against bending the rules when hiring

Don’t give in if managers ask HR to change the hiring criteria because they think they have already found the perfect candidate—who just happens to lack one of the job requirements. Courts often view such ad hoc changes as serious flaws in the hiring process …

Hillsborough pilot wins $36,000 age discrimination suit

A crop-duster who accused Hillsborough County of refusing to hire him because of his age has won a jury verdict of $36,000 in back pay. John Van Voorhis claimed the hiring manager said he didn’t want “an old man pilot.” …

Wal-Mart to pay $12,000 to veteran it didn’t hire back

When Sean Thornton, of Deltona, was discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 2006, he asked Wal-Mart if he could return to his former job as a cashier. The retail chain refused, and Thornton sued, alleging violations of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act …

Convince employees to ‘Pay’ for part of their development

Here’s an all-too-familiar scenario: Your organization invests considerable time and money training an employee with a lot of potential—and then the trainee takes that education to another company that offers a higher salary. Here are three ways to ease the financial blow to your organization—and lower the likelihood that the employee will leave …

When managers forecast the need for more staff, ask why

When you plan your comp and benefits budget for next year—or for the year after that or the following year—how do you know how many employees your organization will need? If you’re like most organizations, you don’t know. But you should …