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New Jersey employers targeted for IRS contractor audits


New Jersey employers that use independent contractors should make sure all their documentation is in order. New Jersey is part of a pilot project initiated by the IRS to identify employers that provide 1099 forms for contract workers who should be paid as employees …

Catch reverse discrimination before it becomes federal case


Is your organization going through a transition period marked by discharges and new hires? If so, take a quick look at your pre- and post-transition work force composition. If the diversity of your work force has changed dramatically, you may need to consider the possibility of a federal lawsuit hitting you next. If this sounds familiar, rethink your strategy before it’s too late …

EEOC ruled against you? Don’t simply settle


In EEOC hearings, employers get a chance to defend their actions, and the agency often concludes that the employer did no wrong. But what about instances when the agency sides with the employee? Should you immediately accept defeat and settle the case? Not if you’re settling because you’re worried that the EEOC decision might become part of a federal lawsuit …

Violence puts Six Flags on the defensive over youth hiring


Six Flags says it probably will reevaluate its employee screening process in the wake of an attack on a teenager on park property this past summer. Three seasonal employees have been arrested for participating in the beating of a 19-year-old Marietta man just outside the park.

Georgia Crime Information Center an invaluable tool for employers


Q. I’ve heard that the state of Georgia can help me make sure my employees are honest, law-abiding citizens. In conducting background checks on applicants, what sort of information is available from the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC)? …

Vista may not release data on those who employ day laborers


Recently, a Superior Court for San Diego County issued a temporary restraining order to stop the city of Vista from releasing the personal information of employers registered to employ contingent workers. The decision came after Vista passed an ordinance requiring registration of anyone who hired day laborers from “uncontrolled locations” …

Receive public funds? Better not hire illegal workers


In June, Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill that requires Texas businesses receiving taxpayer-subsidized, job-creation grants and tax abatements to certify that they will not knowingly employ undocumented workers …

Warn supervisors: Don’t comment needlessly on race


The selection process is over, and the newly promoted employee has begun work. Now is not the time for those involved in the hiring process to pontificate on racial balance in the workplace. That’s especially true if the applicants were all qualified for the position and a member of a majority class was selected over minority candidates …

Pool parties entice nurses onto job


When Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta wanted to create a central staffing pool of nurses last fall, it launched the “100 Nurses in 100 Days” recruitment drive. It was unheard of to hire that many nurses in such a short period of time, says Megan Graham, director of recruiting. To attract enough nurses, the hospital had to get creative with its recruitment efforts …

Want a team player? Ask applicants these 5 questions


Uncover teamwork talents (or the lack thereof) by asking: (1) What is your relationship with your supervisor and your peers? (2) What would your current supervisor or peers say about you? …