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How to protect yourself from Internet-Related liability

The Internet is an invaluable tool in many workplaces, but lately it’s become a somewhat unexpected cause of employment law litigation. Two issues lead the wired way to the courthouse for employers: gathering information about job candidates through web sites and potential liability for what their employees do while using the Internet …

Employer didn’t check records before letting him check a pulse

A man worked as a paramedic on the Front Range for 17 months before American Medical Response (AMR) discovered he was not a certified paramedic. AMR discovered the forgery when Teel requested a transfer from the Denver area to the Longmont Fire Department …

You may not even see EEOC complaint until lawsuit hits

In a new twist on an already complicated HR world, an employer now may find itself served with a federal discrimination lawsuit without any inkling that a case was even brewing. Ordinarily, the employer gets a copy of the employee’s EEOC complaint before anything else happens. But what happens if the EEOC doesn’t let you know about the complaint and the employee goes to court? …

Applicants gone wild: Top 10 blunders by interviewees


Job applicants bringing Mom along to an interview or interrupting the interviewer to take a cell phone call … These are two of the top 10 faux pas committed by job seekers, as reported by our HR Weekly Forum readers …

When interviewing meets speed dating

When you interview candidates, you typically know within a few minutes whether it’s a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Realizing this, some employers, including Travelodge, Texas Instruments and Abbott Labs, have taken a page from the “speed dating” trend …

Corporate job sites becoming more interactive

When someone lands on the “Careers” page at your organization’s web site, what can he or she do? Most employers’ sites give two options: (1) Fill out an application or (2) leave the site. But that is starting to change …

If you use a job application kiosk, warn applicants that lying is a crime

If, like many employers these days, you cut down on recruiting costs by using a computer-based kiosk application system, consider adding a warning before applicants begin the process. Colorado makes it a crime for a person to knowingly access “any computer, computer network, or computer system … to obtain, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises, money, property, services … or other thing of value” …

UPS accused of blacklisting following disputed drug test

UPS fired Greg Leach from his position as a driver after he tested positive for cocaine. Leach demanded a retest, insisting he hadn’t used cocaine in more than 20 years. The company complied, but Leach said UPS did not properly administer the test …

What North Carolina laws affect employer substance abuse policies?

Q. We are considering implementing a substance abuse policy. Are there any North Carolina regulations concerning such policies? …

No need to rehire if worker tests positive after injury

Does your company have a solid policy banning drugs from the workplace? If not, you are missing an opportunity to deny re-employment to a drug-using worker who was injured on the job …