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No, you can’t make staff divulge their meds

The EEOC has filed a lawsuit against a Texas employer that requires all its employees to report every medication they take, both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Access to Personnel Files: 50 State Laws

No federal law grants employees the right to inspect their personnel files. However, many states do give employees that right and spell out the terms under which employees are allowed to inspect their files. Here’s a state-by-state list of laws governing access to personnel files.

Emerging issues affect how to handle trade secrets

The U.S. Department of Justice has announced plans to file criminal charges against employers that collude to fix wages or not hire one another’s workers under “nonpoaching agreements.” As a result, employers are more likely than ever to either have their trade secrets compromised or face liability for knowingly or unknowingly possessing a competitor’s confidential information.

Feds’ rules for safeguarding sensitive info

A Trump administration official’s frustration over confidentiality breaches has turned into useful advice that can benefit HR professionals who worry about disclosure of sensitive information.

Using GPS to monitor staff? Know legal risks and 5 best practices


With the rise in GPS technology, employers have unprecedented access to their employees’ whereabouts. However, before an employer begins using GPS to monitor employees, it should consider the related legal ramifications and employee privacy issues.

Court: Drug testing is not an inherent invasion of employee privacy


Employers can drug test employees as part of a safety program. The mere existence of a properly designed testing program does not invade a worker’s right to privacy.

Always get employee’s permission to record conversation about complaints


Here’s a reminder for Pennsylvania employers: Before videotaping or otherwise recording an investigation into an employee complaint, get permission to do so. Otherwise, you may face a wiretapping criminal charge.

Fingerprint time tracking? Check state law

In recent years, employers have seized on biometric technologies such as fingerprint scanning as a way to control time-clock abuse. But before you rush out to buy the latest in technology, be sure to check with your attorney or your state labor department.

Wave of the future? Company offers to microchip employees


A company in Wisconsin might be taking a bold step into the future—or a frightening turn down a dystopian path.

Pharma firm claims exec divulged confidential files

Teva Pharmaceuticals, headquartered in Horsham, Pa., is suing a former executive, claiming she transferred confidential computer files to her boyfriend—the president and CEO of Apotex, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturer.