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Heed new OSHA rules for recording injuries, illnesses

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is giving employers until Jan. 1, 2002, to comply with revised rules for keeping track of workplace injuries and illnesses. Among the changes, the …

Employees online? Take a byte out of your liability

No employer wants to explain to a court why jokes like “Why beer is better than women” are bouncing around the company e-mail system. But that’s the position more companies are …

Pitch old records with care


Q. How long is a company supposed to keep paper records? We’d like to throw out some of our old, archived paperwork. —B.H., Pennsylvania

Don’t trip over wiretap laws

An African-American worker claimed he “accidentally” turned on a tape recorder in his duffel bag that just happened to catch two co-workers making racial …

Trade-Secret clauses aren’t necessary for all workers


Q. To protect my business’s trade secrets, do I need to have all my employees sign employment contracts that include a trade-secret clause? —K.R., Michigan

Help employees protect their identity from theft


Q. A few employees have complained that we use their Social Security numbers as their ID numbers. They’re concerned about potential theft of their identity. Is it legal for employers to use Social Security numbers for ID purposes? —D.T., Illinois

Apply consistent policy on employee searches, and get written OK first

Elvis Stewart carried a duffel bag so he could change uniforms between working at a Taco Bell during the day and a McDonald’s inside …

Protect job applicants’ answer sheets from written tests

Applicants had to pass three tests to be considered for a quality helper position at a Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. (3M) plant. Mary Austin failed all three.
She claims …

Protect your business from ‘identity theft’


Identity theft is one of the nation’s fastest-growing crimes, and it can hit businesses as well as individuals.
A thief uses your credit card, Social Security number or business identification …