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DOL guidance addresses retirement plan cybersecurity

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new guidance for retirement plan sponsors on best practices for maintaining cybersecurity, including tips on how to protect employees’ retirement benefits.

Can you ask workers if they’ve been vaccinated?

The EEOC says employers can legally ask workers about their COVID vaccination status—and require proof—without sparking liability under federal employment laws like the ADA or Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act GINA. But you need to be careful with any follow-up questions.

10 tips to keep cybersecurity nightmares at bay

There’s an ongoing need to strengthen computing practices and stay vigilant against cyber attacks—up 600% due to COVID-19 (now aptly referred to as the “cyberdemic”). Emails and passwords are especially prime targets for hackers. Use these tips to stay safe.

Obtain informed consent before covid testing

Employers must ensure employees understand the impact workplace covid-19 will have before they agree to be tested, according to new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control.

3 Supreme Court cases HR should watch

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 term is in full swing. So far, there are three cases on the docket that may affect employers. Here’s a brief summary of each.

Can employer record ALL sound off employee’s phone?

An employee writing on the Ask a Manager blog cited this frightening WFH issue: His employer installed an app on his company-provided phone that audio recorded everything happening in his home office, whether work-related or not. This is a soul-crushing HR practice, but is it legal?

Ensure diagnostic apps protect worker privacy

An attempt by New York City to keep municipal employees from spreading the coronavirus has prompted a union local to file an unfair labor practices complaint with the National Labor Relations Board.

Employee tests positive? How to notify staff

Millions of Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus, so odds are that one or more of your employees will test positive in the coming months. But there is a smart (and legal) way to communicate this news to your employees.

Remote workers hitting social media: Be alert

With the current pandemic forcing so many employees to work at home, and to otherwise spend much more time there than normal, it’s understandable they’re turning to social media as an outlet for their emotions and frustrations. It’s an especially delicate time for employers to attempt to govern what their staff should or should not say online.

How to protect your company’s data when letting go of a remote employee

An astounding 87% of employees take company data with them on their way out the door. How can businesses protect their data when laying off employees who are currently working from home? Your checklist should include the following steps after an employee gives notice.