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Employment Law

Whistle-Blowers to Split $7.5 Million


Ten people will split $7.5 million as the result of reporting an acute-care company that illegally paid doctors for referrals

Cell phone policies: Don’t have one? Dial one up today


The best defense to a cell-phone liability claim is a comprehensive electronic communications devices policy …

Instruct managers: Make and retain interview notes


If your managers conduct interviews, whether by phone or live, it’s a good idea to remind them to take and keep good notes of those discussions. They’ll need them in case an applicant (or internal candidate) sues …

It’s harder for staff to block discipline using ‘Junk’ claims


The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) makes it illegal to retaliate against employees simply because they’ve filed a discrimination complaint. Employees know this law. So, all too often, employees who are having trouble at work file an internal complaint as a preemptive strike

Make sure absence policy doesn’t clash with FMLA


Warning: If you terminate employees who take more than 12 weeks off in a given period, you may be violating the FMLA even if you allow employees their full FMLA allotment of 12 weeks unpaid leave …

Keep good records of employee leaves; workers have three years to file FMLA suits


It pays to keep some records longer than you think you’ll need them. For example, any notes, correspondence, medical certifications and other documents related to an employee’s FMLA leave request should be kept a minimum of three years …

Employee acting out of character? Balance safety, liability


An otherwise good employee is acting out of character, and you think she needs help. Do you insist she contact the employee assistance program (EAP), and send her home? …

Quest lawsuit shows how to plan for ‘Turncoat’ employee


Lyndhurst-based Quest Diagnostics, the largest U.S. provider of diagnostic tests and services, has sued a former employee for allegedly taking confidential client information to benefit its arch rival …

Former HR exec wins $9 million in gender-Bias lawsuit


Curtiss-Wright Corporation was ordered to pay $9 million to former HR exec Joyce Quinlan after a Newark Superior Court jury found that the company denied her promotions because of her gender and then fired her when she filed a complaint …

The fine line between humor and harassment in Passaic County


How do you know where to draw the line between workplace humor and harassment? The answer: You don’t get to make that choice. Harassment, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And it begins when somebody decides they’ve had enough of the “jokes”