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Employment Law

Employers don’t always have to be right, just honest


When you know it’s time to discharge an employee, don’t let excessive fear of a lawsuit immobilize you. The fact is, employers do make mistakes, but not all their errors lead to liability …

Wear two hats in evaluating harassment complaint


If your HR job includes evaluating claims of sexual harassment and hostile environment, it’s a good idea to approach investigations from two separate but related angles …

Swift response is key to derailing harassment claim


When a co-worker launches a harassment campaign, you must act fast or risk a hostile-environment lawsuit. That means all your managers must know the drill to follow the moment they get wind of harassment

How to Set Reasonable Call-In Rules for Absences


For many employers, absenteeism is a constant problem. You know you must give employees some slack, especially for family and medical emergencies and to accommodate disabilities that sometimes flare up. But, to make sure the work gets done, you need to know who’s going to show up and who isn’t

In employment contracts, use clear, unambiguous terms


When Florida courts interpret employment contracts, they look first and foremost to the contract language. If it’s clear and unambiguous, they enforce the terms strictly. But if the court questions the meaning of some terms, it will interpret them in a way that benefits the employee

Unions gaining ground in Florida workplaces


Unions are making headway in Florida, a state that the national unions once considered “unwinnable” …

Highway Patrol Officer Sues for Gender Discrimination (Again)


The Florida Highway Patrol’s highest-ranking female officer has filed a gender-discrimination suit against the department for firing her last year …

Female farm workers settle landmark sex harassment case


Gargiulo Inc., one of Florida’s largest fruit and vegetable wholesalers, will pay $215,000 to settle sexual harassment lawsuits on behalf of female Haitian workers at its tomato packinghouse in Immokalee …

Florida’s climate is right for overtime lawsuits; build your defense


That dedicated employee working through her lunch period, even though she’s clocked out, could be a Florida employer’s biggest future liability …

State law prohibits dipping into employees’ tip pool


New York employers in the restaurant industry need to be vigilant. The state’s minimum wage law places tight restrictions on how you divvy up money collected in a tip pool …