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Employment Law

Track contracts for bias against black-Owned firms


Think you don’t have to worry about race discrimination in hiring contractors? Think again. A little-known section of the federal Civil Rights Act has become a popular vehicle for claims of race discrimination in contracting

Want to project ‘Younger’ image? Beware age-Bias risks


If your organization aims to attract a younger, more hip clientele, watch how you convey that idea to employees who don’t fit your target demographic …

Independent contractor or employee? Your control over duties, schedule is the key


If your organization hires temporary workers to perform specific tasks for a set fee, don’t assume you automatically can declare them as independent contractors rather than employees …

Study: N.Y. workers’ comp system is rife with employer cheating


New York employers are cheating the state workers’ compensation system to the tune of $500 million to $1 billion a year, according to estimates in a Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI) study …

ShopRite facing lawsuits on disability, sex discrimination


Wakefern Food Corp., owner of local ShopRite food markets, recently was hit with two employee discrimination lawsuits …

N.Y. law firm learns lesson about legal blogging


It’s probably career suicide for lawyers to sue their own firms, but that’s what Aaron Charney did. And now all of cyberspace knows about it …

Another Manhattan chef stirs up a discrimination suit


A former waiter at restaurant Jean Georges, located in the Trump Towers, has filed a federal lawsuit claiming the chef de cuisine and other employees harassed him after learning he was gay

Hospital didn’t discriminate during downsizing, court rules


In reversing a lower court’s decision, the New York Supreme Court recently agreed to dismiss a race- and age-discrimination lawsuit filed against New York Westchester Square Medical Center (NYWSMC) …

Can porn surfing be a ‘disability’? Lessons from the IBM case


When employees use their work computers for inappropriate purposes, such as scouring the Internet for pornography, interacting with minors for sexual purposes or transmitting pornographic images, they violate the law and put their employers at risk …

RIF after FMLA leave? Possible, but proceed with caution


If you terminate an employee soon after he or she has returned from FMLA leave, you open yourself to charges of retaliation …