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Employment Law

Providing more leave than required? You can legally cut back


Some employers offer more than the 12 weeks’ unpaid leave annually that the FMLA grants to eligible employees who need to care for themselves or close family members who have a serious health condition. But that doesn’t mean they have to keep doing so. It’s OK to change your leave policy to the legal minimum and then start disciplining employees who exceed the FMLA allotment …

Detailed investigations help distinguish punishments


If you have a disciplinary policy that dictates punishment for different infractions, make sure you thoroughly investigate each incident. That way, you’ll be better prepared to show why one employee received a lesser punishment than another. That rationale is crucial when it comes to a discrimination lawsuit. You must be prepared to show how thorough your investigation was and why you did what you did …

Manager’s careless comment on accent shows discrimination under ELCRA


Under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), it’s direct evidence of discrimination if a supervisor or manager with hiring or firing power makes comments about an applicant’s or employee’s foreign accent. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to remind managers and supervisors to watch what they say …

National Guardswoman fights for promotion and wins


A black female Michigan National Guard member has won a discrimination suit against the head of the guard, Maj. Gen. Thomas Cutler, and one of his top deputies, alleging they hired a less qualified white man for an airfield manager’s position …

Smells like trouble at Detroit planning agency


A Detroit planning department employee has sued the city, claiming a co-worker’s perfume made it impossible for her to work. The co-worker, who transferred into the department a year ago, wore strong perfume and used a room deodorizer …

Law boosts pension portability as cash-Balance plans take off


Dow Chemical Co., based in Midland, has announced it will adopt a cash-balance plan for new employees, making it the largest employer to do so since Congress passed legislation last year protecting new plans from age-discrimination lawsuits …

Use contractual limitations to protect company and managers


Michigan courts have generally upheld as valid and enforceable provisions within an employment application or employment contract that place time limits on when employees can sue their employers. Thus, while the statute of limitations for filing a claim of discrimination under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act is three years, a Michigan court has upheld contractual provisions providing for a shortened limitations period of six months …

Promotions and age discrimination


Q. We are reviewing two employees for a promotion, one is 55 and the other is 45. We are concerned that if we select the younger employee, we will be charged with age discrimination. Are we safer selecting the older employee, assuming both candidates are qualified for the job? …

Can employees agree to waive their FMLA rights?


Q. I have been told the company cannot require an employee to sign a valid release of a potential FMLA claim. We recently have gone through a downsizing. We have a severance policy that provides a nice benefit, but to qualify, the employee must sign a general release promising not to sue the company over any employment-related matter. The release includes any claim under the FMLA. Is that OK? …

Business travel and pay


Q. We have asked one of our hourly (nonexempt) employees to attend a trade show in Las Vegas. He will be flying on Sunday and attending the trade show on Monday and Tuesday, and then returning Tuesday night on the “red eye.” Do we pay the employee for the hours he is traveling? What if he doesn’t come to work until 1 pm on Wednesday after flying all night? …