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Employment Law

Whistle-Blower law doesn’t limit right to sue for nongovernment reporting


Before the Illinois Whistleblower Act became law, employees could sue employers for retaliatory discharge if they reported wrongdoing either internally or to the government or the media. Some lawyers thought the act wiped out such broad employee protections. Now an Illinois appeals court has clarified that employees are protected even if they take their complaints outside an employer’s formal resolutions process …

Complaining about working conditions—And public policy violations—Also protected


An employee who reports that his or her employer is violating state or federal law may be protected from discharge. The employee can sue for retaliatory discharge and also on the premise that firing him or her violates public policy …

Pharmaceutical reps hit Abbott with unpaid overtime suit


A class of pharmaceutical sales representatives has filed suit against North Chicago-based Abbott Laboratories for unpaid overtime. The lawsuit claims that Abbott, like other drug makers, unlawfully classified pharmaceutical reps as salespeople. Salespeople are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act …

Woman has affair, quits and then loses sex discrimination case


The course of true love, at least in the workplace, runs straight to the courtroom. But Floor Covering Associates of Joliet received a reprieve recently when the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court verdict in its favor …

Lewd butcher kept on well past ‘Sell by’ date


Jewel Food Stores settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with four female employees for $200,000, but the meat department manager who spawned the suit has had a surprising shelf life …

Caterpillar sues UAW over retiree health benefits suits


Caterpillar Inc. has filed lawsuits to force the United Auto Workers (UAW) to pay for health care for retirees as agreed in union-negotiated contracts. Caterpillar says the UAW is backing two class-action lawsuits seeking free lifetime coverage for retirees and spouses, which the company says violates collective-bargaining agreements …

Firefighters claim Chicago suburb wanted black department


Four white part-time firefighters have sued the village of Dolton for racial discrimination after the town’s fire department promoted two black firefighters to full-time positions over white candidates with better qualifications. The plaintiffs claim Dolton Fire Chief Jerry McCullough told them, “If you’re not black, you’re not getting hired.” …

Attorneys’ fees may be due even if employees collect nothing


It was a good case for the lawyers anyway. Demonstrating just how expensive an ADA case can be, a federal appeals court ordered fees to be paid to the attorneys who brought a class-action ADA case against Rent-A-Center. The case involved the company’s use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test to screen out applicants and employees with low scores …

Employers, employees affected as Illinois adopts smoking ban


Citing the toxicity of secondhand smoke, Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed Senate Bill 500, the Smoke-Free Illinois Act, into law on July 23.  The law takes effect Jan. 1 and requires employers to provide smoke-free workplaces for all employees. The new state law does not mean employers can ignore local anti-smoking ordinances. Municipalities may still enact smoking bans that are tougher than state law, but all Illinois jurisdictions must meet the new state standards when the law takes effect …

Keep written records showing discipline rationale


The decks are stacked against employees who claim retaliation when there is no direct evidence of discrimination—if employers keep complete written records of their disciplinary actions. Those cases often hinge on allegations the employer trumped up disciplinary charges to cover up retaliation. That can be difficult for an employee to prove if there is a solid paper trail documenting the employee’s infractions and the resulting discipline …