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Employment Law

Does grooming policy interfere with religious belief?


Q. Can we require a job applicant to cut his hair as a condition of employment even if he alleges that his religion forbids him from cutting his hair? …

Who’s exempt, who’s not? Free FLSA checklist helps you decide


It’s a perennial HR challenge: Determining whether an employee is exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. We make the job easier with HR Specialist’s free checklist, as well as a free white paper detailing how to comply with the law.

How to handle ‘No-Match’ letters: New rules go into effect on Sept. 14


The Department of Homeland Security just published final regulations that provide guidance to employers on how to respond to "no-match" letters, which notify employers of discrepancies with employees’ Social Security numbers. If you follow those steps correctly, you’ll earn immunity from penalties if illegal workers are found at your business. How can you comply? Read on.

Dealing with foul-smelling workers: 6 tips for ‘The talk’


Hosting a termination meeting may be easier than having to tell an employee that he or she has offensive body odor. Here are six tips for handling the issue in your workplace:

Employee can’t work well with others? Document that claim!


Do you have an employee who doesn’t seem to be getting along with anyone? Has he complained about discrimination or some other supposed wrongdoing? If so, document the problems. If you don’t, you create legal risks …

Will Congress give workers more time to file discrimination claims?


The House voted last week to reverse a three-month-old U.S. Supreme Court decision that set a strict time limits for filing pay-discrimination claims. Do you have to worry about this bill winning final approval? Here’s the answer …

High court says Labor Dept. right to limit overtime for some


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in a closely watched overtime case that employees classified as home health care workers aren’t entitled to some Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protections …

Handful of absences not enough to prove actual disability


Disabled employees are entitled to protection from discrimination, but they must prove that they are actually disabled under the ADA or the federal Rehabilitation Act. And that’s no easy task …

Employees must file discrimination cases within 180 days


n a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed employers a major victory. No longer will you have to worry that an employment decision you made years—even decades—earlier will come back to haunt you …

No pay due for time spent putting on standard safety gear


In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a major decision on the applicability of the Fair Labor Standards Act  to paying workers for the time they spend putting on and taking off safety gear. Since then, employers have been understandably nervous about when to start paying …