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Employment Law

No thanks on the wife, I’d rather have my job


Harman Corporation, a vinyl supplier based in Rochester, hired Jeff Cole to work in its print shop in 1993. He later transferred to production and, finally, to maintenance. In 2005, one of Cole’s supervisors, Randy Fox, showed Cole nude pictures of Fox’s wife …

Granholm bars bias against transgenders


Gov. Jennifer Granholm has issued an order barring discrimination against state workers based on gender identity or expression …

To google or not: Legitimate screening method or privacy breach?


The popularity of Internet blogs and social networking sites such as MySpace, LinkedIn, Facebook and Friendster is causing confusion and concern for some employers. At a time when it’s easy to search the web for information on just about anyone, what steps should a reasonable employer take to investigate the background of an employee? …

Union security clauses are enforceable in Michigan—Non-Dues payer can be fired


Q. I run a small warehouse facility where the employees are represented by a union. The labor contract requires all employees to pay union dues or an equivalent fee. The union has contacted me and indicated that one of my laid-off employees is not in good standing for failing to pay union dues, and has requested that the employee be discharged. Even though he is laid off, the union still requires him to pay union dues. This is a good employee, and I do not want to terminate him. Am I required to do so? …

Contract requires lengthy advance notice of resignation? It may not be valid


For key personnel, it’s customary to have employment contracts specifying the terms and conditions under which the employees will work, compensation terms and other details, such as a noncompete and trade secrets clause. Plus, the agreements may specify how much notice key employees must give before they leave for other jobs. Before the contract is signed, make sure it meets with Georgia contract law …

Following harassment complaint, changing supervisors can cut liability


While no employer should condone any form of workplace harassment, it isn’t always necessary to terminate the alleged harasser. After all, sometimes it may be a matter of “he said/she said,” making it tough to sort out what really happened. That’s likely if there are no witnesses. In those cases, the best move may be to separate the parties …

Does Georgia’s whistle-Blower law apply to private employers?


Q. I’ve read a lot recently about a new whistle-blower law that went into effect this year. What requirements does it impose on companies doing business in Georgia? — B.N. …

Do your pre-Hire tests carry lawsuit risks? New EEOC guidance helps make the call


The EEOC last month issued an extensive fact sheet that explains how federal anti-discrimination laws apply to pre-hire tests. The nonbinding guidance focuses on the best—and legal—practices for cognitive tests, personality tests, medical exams, credit checks and criminal background tests …

Employee’s bizarre behavior can count as FMLA ‘Notice’


If you’ve never had any formal psychiatric training, maybe it’s time you put your business plan aside and register for Psych 101. Why? A recent court ruling shows how the FMLA can require you and your supervisors to play psychiatrist, too …

Do a father’s prenatal visits qualify for FMLA?


Q. Does all prenatal care qualify for FMLA leave, or does the female employee need to have complications to qualify? Also, can a husband take leave for his wife’s prenatal care, such as accompanying her to an ultrasound? …