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Employment Law

After United gives workers the bird, some give it back


Five United Airlines workers needed medical attention for nausea and vomiting after partaking in the airline’s holiday peace offering—a full Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. The feast was supposed to be United’s way of restoring goodwill after the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association criticized the airline …

Basic problem stalls pay suit: Plaintiff made lots of money


Jacqueline Bowbin sued Bulkmatic Transport Inc. for gender discrimination, alleging violations of the Equal Pay Act. In 2006, Bowbin claims, her supervisor told her she would be well into a six-figure salary with bonuses and stock compensation. But that year, Bulkmatic apparently did not award either, companywide. Bowbin cried gender discrimination …

Caution: ‘Going by the book’ may be retaliation


When an employee everyone considered loyal suddenly starts complaining to a regulatory agency about alleged workplace violations, it’s natural to be upset. But resist the temptation to send the employee a message by suddenly enforcing the work rules zealously …

Relying on evidence to back up termination? Don’t lose it


When you catch an employee red-handed breaking a rule and you have solid evidence on your side, it seems like a no-brainer to fire him. But when you do, keep this in mind: If you lose an incriminating tape, e-mail or handwritten note, expect to lose the case …

Avoid a big stink: Don’t make ADA disability call on your own


Some employees claim they are ultrasensitive to scents commonly found in detergents, perfumes, deodorants and other products. It’s not clear how far employers have to go to create a fragrance-free environment, but smart employers are willing to take at least some measures to help employees bothered by the scents of co-workers …

Note to supervisors: No comments about religion and work


It may seem obvious, but it bears repeating: Tell supervisors and managers to avoid discussing religion if at all possible. And never, ever use blunt terms to make an employee choose between her religion and her job. Instead, focus any discussion of religious accommodations on the company’s legitimate needs …

Handle terminations with dignity, due deliberation


Nothing will fuel a lawsuit more than management’s poor behavior. While discharging an employee for any reason is stressful for everyone involved, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. The wrong way is to get emotional, to shout and unceremoniously throw the employee off the premises …

Tell supervisors: If you use racist language, you’re fired


One of the fastest paths to a nasty race discrimination case—and all the bad publicity that follows—is for a supervisor to make a racist comment. If that supervisor is then involved in any disciplinary action against the employee, chances are those earlier comments will provide the employee with direct evidence of discrimination …

Any negative comments about work injury may lead to lawsuit


It’s frustrating when an employee you don’t think is seriously injured files a workers’ compensation claim, especially months after the alleged injury. However, you must resist the temptation to react negatively—for example, by bad-mouthing the employee …

No simultaneous challenges in state and federal courts for workers’ comp cases


A recent federal trial court decision means employees can’t sue to challenge the constitutionality of a Michigan workers’ compensation ruling in both state and federal courts. That’s good news for employers that now won’t have to fight it out in both courts at the same time …