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Employment Law

When whistle-Blowing is involved, discharge reasons must be rock-Solid


he Michigan Whistleblowers’ Protection Act protects employees who report suspected wrongdoing to public authorities from retaliation. An employer that knows an employee has reported alleged wrongdoing must take special care when disciplining or discharging that employee. Unless you have an absolutely legitimate business reason for your action, the timing makes the decision suspect and will most likely lead to a jury trial …

Planned Parenthood defends race discrimination case


Planned Parenthood Centers of West Michigan in Grand Rapids won a race discrimination case filed by a black health care specialist, who was fired for falsifying patient records and dispensing emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) without required staff approvals …

Michigan employers make Best Places to Work for GLBT


Seven Michigan employers made the 2007 list of “Best Places to Work for GLBT Equality,” a ranking of employers’ policies toward gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) employees. The Human Rights Campaign publishes the list annually …

GM takes VEBA for a test drive

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Consider ADA, discrimination, validity issues when using personality tests


Some employers use personality or psychological tests to screen applicants and employees being considered for jobs or promotions. Proponents say personality tests are an economical way of screening employees. However, critics argue that these tests might not accurately predict an individual’s honesty, integrity or other personality traits. Others say the tests violate the employee’s privacy …

Attendance abuse and the FMLA


Q. Our company has certain employees who we believe abuse our absentee policy. We use a “no fault” system, but we do excuse FMLA absences. Typically, when employees get close to discipline or termination, they begin the paperwork for an FMLA absence. Do you have any suggestions on how we could better police the FMLA process to limit abuse? …

Respond right away to avoid costly judgments


Train everyone in your organization who might receive legal documents—from the mailroom clerk to the front-desk receptionist—to pass them on to management ASAP. Misplaced pleadings can mean an easy win for the person suing. What’s worse, if you miss important deadlines, you’ll lose any chance you might have had to get the case tossed out …

On the hook for FMLA transgression? Offer immediate reinstatement to cut liability


The FMLA is a complicated law, ready to trip up even the savviest HR specialist. Often, a case turns on the employer’s subjective motivation rather than its objective action. What do you do once you realize your organization may be on the hook for an FMLA violation? The answer: Immediately, unconditionally offer to reinstate the employee. You will cut back-pay and failure-to-reinstate liability …

UPS teams up with Teamsters to shore up pension fund


Hard times make for strange bedfellows. United Parcel Service, based in Sandy Springs, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters teamed up to cut ties with the beleaguered Central States Fund pension plan before the federal government intervenes in January and likely makes things worse for them …

Savannah’s Berkow dropped from LAPD sex-Discrimination suit


Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Chief Michael Berkow was dropped from the sex-discrimination lawsuit that has dogged him since he took office in Georgia last year …