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Employment Law

The AG debacle and the e-Mail connection

Facing threats of impeachment for turning the Office of Attorney General into a “raunchy frat pad,” Marc Dann initially held onto his post. After firing two staffers for sexual harassment, and accepting the resignation of a third for failing to properly supervise them, Dann hoped to put the scandal behind him …

Big bad SEIU wolf turns out to be grandma

It turns out the California Nurses Association (CNA) may have been exaggerating slightly when it accused members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) of stalking and harassment. The two unions are engaged in competing efforts to represent Ohio nurses … 

6th Circuit rules: Association discrimination now illegal in Ohio

Employers, beware! Retaliation against a third party who is associated with an employee who engaged in protected activity now can be the basis of a lawsuit in Ohio …

Interview questions: What not to ask

Q. Are there specific questions that an employer is prohibited from asking during a job interview? …

I was harassed and I quit! Now can I sue—Or get unemployment?

Q. I found my working conditions to be intolerable because of the behavior of my male co-workers that I considered to be sexual harassing. I just did not have the energy to complain about the behavior and face the consequences, so I quit without telling my employer about the harassment. I am having trouble finding a new job, and now I am thinking I made a mistake. Will I be able to sue my employer for sexual harassment? Can I obtain unemployment insurance?

Same manager who hired should do the firing

Discrimination cases are all about motives. That’s especially true when an employee loses his job and alleges that the real reason for his discharge was racism or some other form of bias. One simple way to deflect discrimination charges is to make sure that the same person who made the termination decision also had a direct hand in either the original hiring decision or subsequent promotions …

Just asking for help doesn’t trigger accommodation process

If employees’ disabilities aren’t obvious, the ADA doesn’t protect them if they don’t make it clear they have a disability. Only after an employee reveals he has a disability are you obligated to pursue reasonable accommodations. Vague requests such as asking for “more help” aren’t enough to trigger the ADA …

Make sure handbook spells out maternity leave terms


Is your employee handbook clear on exactly what constitutes maternity leave and how long it lasts? If you plan to permit just the 12 weeks allowed for pregnancy and childbirth under the FMLA, spell that out. Don’t refer to maternity leave separately and then provide a different week or month count …

Personnel records a mess? Clean them up now

How carefully do you maintain your company’s personnel files? If they are a mess and don’t include relevant information such as applications, set aside time now to straighten them out! Courts are increasingly ordering employers being sued for discrimination to turn over any arguably related files …

Want to guarantee a lawsuit? Just fail to investigate

It is pure foolishness to ignore an employee complaint. Employers are almost always better off investigating the claim—even if the matter seems frivolous—than letting the perceived problem fester. Ignoring the request may be all it takes to spur a lawsuit …