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Employment Law

Is that harassment—Or just a personality clash?

When an employee complains about alleged discrimination or harassment by a supervisor, take a careful look at what each person says is happening. As the following case shows, sometimes just a poor working relationship—not discrimination—is the source of the problem …

When worker complains, find out if she’s a ‘Serial sue-er’

Sometimes, you can tell how seriously to take an EEOC or other discrimination complaint by checking to see if the employee (or applicant) has filed other discrimination lawsuits in the past. If the complaint turns into a court case, an employee’s pattern of frivolous litigation may become powerful evidence a judge or jury will want to consider …

No unjust enrichment claims allowed in state and federal FLSA cases

Sometimes, attorneys representing disgruntled employees will try anything to make the charges stick. Now the federal district court in Minnesota has ruled that plaintiffs can’t add state unjust enrichment claims to standard overtime claims under the federal FLSA and Minnesota’s similar state law …

Sometimes settling a claim is the smartest thing to do

Have you considered settling a claim instead of fighting it tooth and nail? Sometimes, that’s the smartest course of action—even if you believe your company didn’t do anything wrong. If you do decide to settle, make sure you ask your attorney to ensure that the terms and conditions are airtight …

DOCC not responsible for employees’ racist remarks

A court has ruled that the Hennepin County Department of Community Corrections (DOCC) did more than enough to address two employees’ complaints about civil rights violations …

Identity theft and liability: How to reduce the risks facing your business

How safe is the confidential customer information your company keeps? The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse says that, since February 2005, the personal information of 88 million people has been compromised by data security breaches at companies or government agencies …

E-Mail policies and the NLRA

Q. I work in the HR department of a unionized company, and our CEO wants me to draw up an employee e-mail use policy. Can I restrict personal e-mail use without violating the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)? …

Track discipline by offense, worker traits to reduce bias risk

Employees who believe management has unjustly targeted them for poor treatment often blame it on bias against whatever protected class they may belong to. That’s why it’s so important for employers to proactively ensure that they enforce all rules equitably and fairly—so no employee can claim she was singled out for harsh punishment …

Court warns against bending the rules when hiring

Don’t give in if managers ask HR to change the hiring criteria because they think they have already found the perfect candidate—who just happens to lack one of the job requirements. Courts often view such ad hoc changes as serious flaws in the hiring process …

Tell managers and supervisors: Absolutely no comments on pregnancy, parenthood allowed

Nothing builds a circumstantial sex discrimination case like needless pregnancy and parenthood comments. Explain to all managers and supervisors that their subordinates’ childbearing plans are absolutely none of their business …