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Discrimination / Harassment

Employee who’s suing files for bankruptcy? It just got easier to settle your case

Employees who sue their employers for discrimination often find themselves in dire financial straits. Many file for bankruptcy in an effort to stop bill collections, repossessions and foreclosures. When they do, there’s a bonus for employers that want to settle the lawsuit and move on …

Justice Department settles harassment suit with N.C. A&T

The U.S. Department of Justice has settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University for $57,000. The university will pay $29,000 to Tasha Murray and $26,000 to Mattie Smith for sexual harassment they endured while working in the university’s Department of Police and Public Safety …

When weighing soft skills, document decisions

Employers can ask questions about candidates’ subjective qualities, especially when many applicants are objectively qualified. But don’t risk a discrimination lawsuit by carelessly documenting how you arrived at ways to distinguish applicants … 

Good faith is the key to litigation-Proof employment decisions

Employment decisions don’t have to be perfect—they just have to be based on good faith. That’s good news, because it’s a fact that supervisors and managers will make mistakes. What that means: Just because an employee can prove management did something wrong doesn’t guarantee she will win a lawsuit …

Tell supervisors to zip it! Little digs can add up to retaliation

When supervisors have to work with an employee they view as a troublemaker, they sometimes look for subtle ways to exact punishment. If the so-called troublemaker got that title because he constantly complains that his co-workers are being discriminated against, supervisors should lay off …

South Bend postal boss’s comments not harassment

Jennifer Ohda was hired in 2004 as a part-time mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in South Bend. On her first day, Ohda was assigned to a male training officer named Dale. At the end of Ohda’s shift, a supervisor, Linda Batteast, said, “Dale, tell your little helper to go home tonight and eat something.” …

Good faith is the key to litigation-Proof employment decisions

Employment decisions don’t have to be perfect—they just have to be based on good faith. That’s good news because it’s a fact that supervisors and managers will make mistakes. What that means: Just because an employee can prove management did something wrong doesn’t guarantee she will win a lawsuit …

Home Depot beats harassment, retaliation charges

A federal judge in Alabama has dismissed most of the sexual harassment and retaliation charges filed by two former employees against The Home Depot Inc. David Corbitt and Alexander Raya, both long-term employees of the Atlanta-based retailer who rose to store manager positions, alleged that regional HR Manager Leonard Cavaluzzi sexually harassed them in 2005 …

Rep. Lewis, Capitol Hill staffer settle discrimination suit

U.S. Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, has settled a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee who claimed she was passed over for a promotion because she is a black woman …

Lack of female supervisors a red flag for discrimination

Have you taken a good look at who fills supervisory roles at your workplace? If not, you should. Having very few female supervisors may spell trouble. Having none is like carrying a sign that reads, “Sue me now!” Employees suing for sex discrimination could point to the lack of female supervisors as evidence supporting their claims …