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Discrimination / Harassment

Farash Corp. faces harassment suit over execs’ comments

A former executive assistant for Farash Corp. is suing the Rochester-based real estate company for sexual harassment. Susan Poulter claims she was fired without warning in June 2006, four months after she complained about inappropriate comments allegedly made by male executives …

Nine years later, Prudential settlement not quite settled

In 1999, Linda Guyden, a former vice president for Prudential Insurance Company in Newark, and 358 other employees received a $10 million settlement for race discrimination and related claims against the company. Then, in 2000, Guyden filed a separate federal lawsuit based on her complaint …

New religious discrimination legislation expands NJLAD

Employers, take notice: A new type of accommodation is required in New Jersey. Gov. Jon S. Corzine has signed into law an amendment to the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) that makes it unlawful to discriminate against an employee because of a sincerely held religious practice or observance …

Lawsuit and agency investigation at same time?

Q. Can an employee sue us in the New Jersey Superior Court for the same alleged discrimination still pending before the Division on Civil Rights? …

Do you discipline for age-Related remarks? You should

A supervisor who makes rude or obnoxious comments about his subordinates’ ages might wind up causing an age discrimination lawsuit. That’s one reason you should take seriously all complaints about inappropriate comments—and discipline supervisors who think age is something to joke about …

It’s up to the employee to explain religious objections

Good news for employers: You aren’t required to be religiously clairvoyant when it comes to accommodating religious beliefs. Although Title VII says employers must reasonably accommodate religious beliefs that conflict with job requirements, it is the employee who is responsible for explaining exactly how her religion conflicts with some aspect of the job …

Serial complainer? She probably can’t show retaliation

Employees who file discrimination complaints can claim retaliation if they can show that their employers took actions that would dissuade reasonable employees from complaining in the first place. But employees who constantly file complaints probably won’t be able to show retaliation for all but the most egregious punishments. Here’s why …

Make and keep interview notes to prove promotion process wasn’t discriminatory

Employers that lean heavily on interviews to decide which of two equally qualified candidates to promote should make sure they can later explain the selection process. That means asking participants in panel interviews to take and collect notes on what the interviews covered and how well the candidates did …

Can a guy mess up so bad, it turns out good?

In 2000, Jeffrey Paich was hired to manage the Nike Factory Store in Mercer. A year later, Debra Sweda became Paich’s supervisor. Over the next four years, Sweda was inundated with complaints about Paich’s temper and his treatment of women …

The universal language: Good food … with Cheez Whiz, please!

A Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations panel has ruled that the English-only signs greeting customers at Geno’s Steaks, the famous South Philly cheesesteak shop, do not violate the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance …