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Discrimination / Harassment

It’s not bias: Set cutoff date for receiving applications

Protect your company by tracking when you received each completed job application. You can easily justify a cut-off point, based on the order in which you received complete applications.

Don’t let pregnancy worries affect job assignments

When discrimination based on pregnancy plays a part in a demotion or termination, the employee has a case under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Paternalistic beliefs that pregnant women need protection should not be part of the reason for any action, even if well-intentioned.

Will your decisions hold up in court? Be prepared to explain apparent contradictions

If you offer contradictory reasons for hiring one applicant instead of another, be prepared to explain away the inconstancy. Otherwise, you may be vulnerable to a discrimination lawsuit.

Inspect, investigate ASAP to prevent hostile work environment from festering

A good attorney will urge a discharged employee to try to remember any problems she had at work. Any perceived unfairness then becomes part of the employee’s lawsuit. The more grievances, the more likely that at least some of the complaints will make it to court, even if other claims are tossed out. That’s one more reason to deal immediately with workplace problems that crop up …

The top 10 harassment excuses … and how to see through them


When you get wind of a potential harassment situation at work, one of HR’s first steps is to talk to the alleged harasser. It’s highly unlikely you’ll get a full confession in that first meeting. Your role is to sort through the explanations to identify the truth. Be on the lookout for these 10 common excuses:

Before approving discipline, check last review

When a supervisor recommends discipline or anything else that could be viewed as an adverse employment action, be sure to check the employee’s latest evaluation before you approve it. If what the boss says is currently going on appears inconsistent with the evaluation, find out why.

Alleged retaliation draws lawsuit for Dollar General

Retail giant Dollar General faces a retaliation suit after it fired two workers from its store in Marion.

Jury will decide artificially inseminated teacher’s lawsuit

A controversial Pregnancy Dis­­crimi­­nation Act lawsuit involving an un­­married woman who was artificially inseminated and who teaches at a Cincinnati Catholic school will go to trial following a federal court ruling.

Counter bias claims: Show how your rational promotion process selects best candidates

When it comes to promotions, smart employers make sure they carefully document the selection process. That way, if an employee challenges the decision, the company will have something compelling to show the court.

It’s just putting off the inevitable: Don’t let management shrug off hostile work environment

Having trouble persuading upper management to get proactive about harassment and hostility complaints? Remind them that ignoring such a problem will only make it ­fester—until someone decides to sue.