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Discrimination / Harassment

Employers must watch for same-sex harassment, too

A Huntersville seafood restaurant will pay $86,000 to four male em­­ployees who were harassed on the job by another male worker.

Employee represents herself? Take lawsuit seriously, anyway

Employees who lose their jobs these days often have a tough time finding new positions. That’s leading to more discharge lawsuits, simply be­­cause former employees have so few options. Many of those lawsuits are filed pro se. No matter how flimsy such a case seems, never ignore it.

Minor malady could hinder performance? Always look for easy accommodations

Be careful before revoking a job offer based on a physical exam. Consider reasonable accommodations instead.

When making promotion decisions, discrimination prohibited, fairness optional

Here’s something to think about when you agonize over internal staffing moves: As long as you don’t use discrimination as an excuse to deny someone a promotion, your decision doesn’t have to pass some vague fairness test.

Cupid in the workplace: You can terminate supervisor for lying about personal relationship

What if you suspect a supervisor/subordinate relationship, but the two people deny it? You probably can’t do anything more than reiterate your workplace rule against it. If it turns out the supervisor lied, you can certainly terminate him or her—both for breaking the rule and then lying about it.

Delete cryptic notes lurking in your HR files

Before you toss that handwritten note into the employee’s file today, stop for a second and read it. Years from now, will you remember what that chicken-scratch meant? Many lawsuits have turned on one or two words scrawled by a manager or HR pro after employee meetings and conversations.

New hire running into trouble right away? Document problems early and often


Once in a while, the honeymoon is barely over before a new em­­ployee starts to struggle. Since every job has a learning curve, you may hesitate to terminate right away. But you can’t ignore the problems, either.

Court: Don’t expect access to past job records

When a former employee sues, alleging she was terminated because of sex discrimination, the employer often argues that the real reason was poor performance. Don’t expect the court to let you go on a fishing expedition into the employee’s past. As this recent case shows, courts think past performance is no indication of future results.

Document poor attitude, just in case of lawsuit

Here’s a tip for handling a difficult and argumentative employee. If she tells her supervisors she doesn’t like her job, wants to avoid some tasks and otherwise doesn’t seem interested in progressing, note her lousy attitude.

Do you recommend anti-harassment training?


Q. Our company is considering anti-harassment training for all employees. Some managers and executive are concerned that this will stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training?