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Discrimination / Harassment

Fry’s pays $2.3 million to settle harassment complaint

Fry’s Electronics, which operates 17 stores in California, will pay $2.3 million to settle sexual harassment and retaliation complaints arising from incidents at a store in Washington. On a per-claimant basis, the case resulted in one of the largest settlements the EEOC has ever negotiated.

Making economic argument for staff cuts? Better make sure the math adds up

Here’s something for small business owners to consider when purporting to terminate an employee for financial reasons. If the owner spends lavishly elsewhere, that may be evidence that money was just an excuse for a discriminatory termination.

Bullet-proof your promotions process


Your best defense to a failure-to-promote claim is proof that you posted the job but the employee never applied. But how do you prove that? With a policy that requires posting all internal openings and also requires employees to express their interest by actually applying …

It’s all hilarious … until someone sues

You know the gags: Post-it notes labeling everything in Greg’s cubicle. Duct-taping Stacey’s office door. Photoshopping Dave’s picture on a photo of a Sumo wrestler. But what should you do when the jokes go too far?

Federal courts take a second swing at Prospect

A federal judge has ordered Chicago-based Prospect Airport Services to implement an anti-harassment program after determining that the company ignored previous court orders issued after it settled an EEOC harassment suit in 2010.

Going-out-of-business sale price: $80,000 for bias

Genie Temporary Service in La Salle will be closing its doors soon, but not before paying $80,000 to a former temp who the EEOC says was a victim of disability discrimination.

Use rational criteria to make hiring decisions

As long as hiring managers can logically explain why one applicant was selected instead of another, courts probably won’t question the choice.

Investigate or else! When harassment surfaces, HR inquiries and action could be worth millions

If you can’t find a way to end persistent workplace harassment, a court may conclude that your organization acted recklessly in denying an employee’s civil rights. That may mean you’ll owe a huge punitive damages award.

Settlement in Lake Calumet EEOC race bias lawsuit

WRS Compass will pay $2.75 million to settle an EEOC racial discrimination and association lawsuit filed on behalf of workers at the environmental cleanup company’s facility in Lake Calumet.

Graphic designer alleges sexual orientation bias

A former graphic designer for Corporate Graphics Commercial is suing the Mankato company, claiming he was fired for reporting anti-gay harassment by co-workers.