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Discrimination / Harassment

Prompt cleanup, spot inspections are the keys to curing racially hostile environment


Employers that adopt a proactive approach to stopping and preventing future racial hostility at work are best positioned to win hostile work environment lawsuits. Ignoring obvious signs of workplace trouble won’t make it go away and will only encourage further harassment.

Employee makes outrageously bigoted comment? Treat that as an offense worthy of firing

Here’s a cautionary tale about tolerating a racially hostile comment, yet then agreeing that the comment was outrageous. Employers can’t have it both ways. Either the comment was grounds for discharge or it wasn’t really that severe.

Ledbetter law doesn’t apply to state pay claims

Under the federal Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, employees who believe their paychecks reflect a discriminatory pay decision made years or even decades ago can still sue. But that principle doesn’t apply if an employee pursues a state pay discrimination claim under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.

Employee wouldn’t dance to Bojangle’s manager’s tune

A Greensboro-area Bojangle’s restaurant has agreed to pay $33,426 to a former female employee after she was harassed, retaliated against and fired for refusing her manager’s advances.

EEOC cracks down on owner at Lexington’s Silver Diner

Lexington’s Silver Diner faces an EEOC lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and retaliation against a former employee.

Know GINA rules on liability, EEOC prerequisites

Good news for employers and supervisors worried about whether the Genetic Information Non­dis­­crimi­­na­tion Act expands individual liability and allows employees direct access to court. The answer is no.

Not every work problem amounts to discrimination

Life can be unfair and the workplace is no exception. Sadly, employers can’t stamp out all unfairness.

Does North Carolina law protect workplace interracial relationships? Federal court punts

A federal court has sidestepped the question of whether workplace discrimination based on participation in an interracial relationship is illegal under the North Carolina Equal Employment Practices Act.

Clear policy, training: Your best defenses against co-worker harassment lawsuits

Is your sexual harassment policy up-to-date? If it has been gathering dust and is largely ignored, you are creating possible co-worker sexual harassment liability.

Burke County boss didn’t know racial slurs offended

A supervisor for the Burke County De­­partment of Social Services claims she did not know that calling black people bigoted names would offend them—and might even lead to a federal lawsuit. The U.S. Department of Jus­­tice has set her straight on this score.