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Discrimination / Harassment

1 comment won’t make hostile environment

Here’s some good news for HR managers handling sexual har­­assment complaints. As long as you act fast, investigate and use your best efforts to prevent a repeat performance, one sexually explicit comment isn’t grounds for a lawsuit.

It’s business as usual, even after sex change

If you have an employee going through a sex change or other gender-identity issues, follow the ­lesson from the employer in this case: Treat such employees as you always have and make sure they aren’t harassed by co-workers. But don’t fear legitimate discipline or an evaluation based on performance.

‘No swords at work’ rule: How is that religious bias?


Anyway you slice it, ­employers these days should hesitate to deny an employee’s religious request without first checking with a lawyer. It’s all just very complicated with so many religions and their different rules on grooming, clothing and attendance. But can you draw the line when a religion requires followers to wear a sword into the workplace?

Gender Discrimination


HR Law 101: Your supervisors probably understand that they can’t pay a male more than a female to perform the same job or dole out promotions only to males. What they may not appreciate are the more subtle forms that gender discrimination may take. They may not make an effort to scrutinize their decisions to uncover any entrenched patterns of discrimination and practices that discourage women from applying for promotions or asking for raises …

ADA: Overview


HR Law 101: The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities who can perform a job’s essential functions with or without reasonable accommodation. All employers that have 15 or more employees must comply with the law …

Class action settlements fell sharply in 2013

Advantage employers! A new legal landscape is working against employees who file work-related class-action suits, following key U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Result: 2013 class-action settlements were lower than since 2006.

Manhattan clerk sues over ‘Burrito Face’ slur

A former sales clerk at Manhattan’s Alexander McQueen boutique claims she was subjected to numerous slurs concerning her heritage while working at the upscale store.

One comment by boss doesn’t justify age bias claim

Supervisors should avoid any age-related references, but don’t despair if you learn someone made such a comment—as long as nothing else points to age discrimination. Simply warn the boss to watch what he or she says in the future.

To include in training: zero tolerance for religious name-calling

While most employees know it isn’t socially acceptable to use racial slurs, some may not realize that religion is an equally sensitive topic, especially for religions that have been targeted for abuse and worse for decades or even centuries. Why not eliminate potential litigation costs with solid education?

EEOC: Fewer bias claims in 2013, bigger bucks


Charges of job discrimination traditionally spike during recessions. And that certainly happened during the Great Recession, as employee job-bias complaints filed with the EEOC reached all-time highs of more than 99,000 complaints in 2010, 2011 and 2012. However, an improving economy had employees in a less litigious mood during fiscal year 2013.