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Discrimination / Harassment

Employer wins limited sanctions against EEOC

In a sign that some judges are losing patience with the way the EEOC handles employment discrimination lawsuits, a federal court has ordered sanctions against the commission.

Pay up promptly when offering severance

Sometimes, it’s clear from the moment that you decide to terminate an em­­ployee that she will sue. If that’s the case, a small severance payment may prevent litigation. But if you offer to settle, make sure you follow through promptly.

Action against worker doesn’t mean hostile environment for all similar co-workers

What should you do if you discover that a rogue supervisor is treating an employee poorly because of his race or other protected characteristic? Fix the problem fast. You don’t have to worry that the super­visor’s action will set up other lawsuits by co-workers who observed the behavior.

Liability on the line: Choose words carefully

Warn supervisors to watch what they say. Making a statement that suggests the employee’s gender was in any way connected with workplace discipline is asking for a lawsuit.

The EEOC Reporting Process

HR Law 101: Don’t hesitate to inform employees about their right to report sexual harassment to the EEOC or a state agency. Your failure to provide information about alternatives to internal reporting won’t prevent employees from seeking redress from a government authority …

National-origin discrimination: What you need to know

The rapidly increasing diversity of the U.S. workforce requires all managers to be aware of their legal responsibilities when dealing with applicants and employees from different races, ethnic groups and religions.

Boss seems to be seeking young ‘dream team’? Be alert for possible age discrimination

Does your organization have a supervisor who frequently interviews and wants to hire younger applicants at the expense of older ones? That supervisor’s “dream team” may end up as Exhibit A in an age discrimination lawsuit.

How far must we go to accommodate employee’s need for religious days off?

Q. One of our employees notified us that he cannot work on certain days of the week for religious reasons. Are we required to accommodate the employee’s request and work around his requested days off?

California’s DFEH report highlights coming discrimination trends

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), California’s civil rights agency, submits an annual report each calendar year to the governor and the state legislature. The latest report shows growing trends toward more filings related to disability, race and gender-based discrimination.

Beware boss who undermines anti-harassment rules

Here’s a novel situation: What do you do if you learn that someone is undermining a manager or HR director’s efforts to stop sexual harassment by enforcing company rules? If you ignore the manager’s complaint, she may sue the company for allowing sexual harassment to flourish.