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Discrimination / Harassment

Harassment? Don’t hide behind handbook

The fact is, when an employer learns about harassment from any source, it must investigate and act. Ignoring the problem just because an employee was afraid to formally report sexual harassment won’t work.

Factor transgender discrimination into equal opportunity policies


Although most employers have policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment based on an em­­ployee’s sex, race and religion, many have not yet added gender identity to the list of protected categories. The lack of protection has real consequences for transgender individuals.

Court: EEOC off the hook for $4.7M in legal fees

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned a lower court ruling awarding the CRST trucking company $4.7 million in legal fees. A lower court had awarded the fees after it determined the EEOC failed to conduct its conciliation process in good faith.

Allegheny, Pa. 911 operators’ lawsuit alleges race bias

Three former 911 dispatchers have filed suit against Allegheny County, Pa., alleging it discriminated against them because of their race. One dispatcher also claims she was subject to sexual harassment.

OK to deny permanent job to marginal temp worker


If a temp isn’t doing a good job, don’t expect improvement if you bring her aboard permanently. When considering converting temporary employees into permanent staff members, you don’t have to accept an application from someone who has already proven herself to be a poor worker.

Documentation is key if you decide not to retain a probationary employee

Sometimes, it becomes obvious soon after hiring an employee that he is not going to work out as expected. But what if you still want to give him a chance?

Never tie performance problems to disability

Warn bosses that they should never link an employee’s performance deficiencies to a supposed disability. The focus should be strictly on what the worker has or hasn’t accomplished and how that compares to your standards—not on underlying reasons for success or failure.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act


HR Law 101: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978 prohibits discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.” Employers can’t deny a woman a job or a promotion merely because she’s pregnant or has had an abortion …

4 legal issues employers must watch in 2015

Employers face difficult compliance issues every year, but according to Ogletree Deakins attorney Diane Saunders, four areas now deserve special attention.

Always discuss disability accommodations; the ADA ‘interactive process’ is mandatory

When employees want to return to work with restrictions after an illness or injury, it may seem impossible for them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. But never instantly dismiss the possibility without talking to the employee.