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Discrimination / Harassment

Executive order will ban LGBT bias for federal contractors

President Obama plans to sign an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and job applicants, according to White House officials.

Federal contractors: New rule will ban anti-gay bias

The White House announced June 16 that President Obama will soon issue an executive order that bans federal contractors from discriminating in hiring, firing, compensation or work conditions based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

EEOC issues new employer guidance on religious dress and grooming

As the workforce becomes more diverse, religious accommodation requests are becoming more common. In addressing such requests, employers should be mindful of the new in­­for­­mal guidance recently issued by the EEOC regarding religious accommodations involving dress or grooming.

Prepare to show you were fair if disabled workers take a hit during RIF

Sometimes, poor appearances lead to lawsuits. That can certainly be the case when a reduction in force (RIF) seems to disproportionately affect a protected class of workers.

Good past performance doesn’t rule out firing


Sometimes, employees can only imagine that discrimination or retaliation is to blame for their sudden unemployment. If you had a good reason to terminate such an employee, don’t worry. The circumstances immediately preceding the discharge decision are what matter.

Changing job assignment soon after hire? That may be deemed a demotion

Here’s a cautionary tale about changing a new employee’s job duties soon after hire. He or she may claim the real reason is discrimination if the change happened soon after a new boss discovered the employee belonged to a protected class.

Suspect an employee is being harassed? Ask if she wants an investigation

Some employees may be embarrassed when they experience sex­­ual harassment. They may feel too uncomfortable to come right out and repeat offensive comments they heard. What should HR do?

State court awards $1.6 million to Manhattan lesbian chef

A Manhattan chef will see her largest payday ever after a state appellate court upheld a $1.6 million judgment against her former employer. Edward Globokar, owner of Tribecamex, will fork over the big bucks to his openly lesbian chef.

Long Island insurance firm settles age bias claim for $300,000

PJP Health will pay three f­ormer employees $300,000 to settle charges it harassed, fired and retaliated against the workers.

Act fast on word of supervisor harassment

Here’s a powerful reminder that when a supervisor is the harasser, prompt action can still save the day—as long as the harassed employee hasn’t yet been demoted, fired or otherwise substantially harmed.