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Productivity / Performance

Take informal, interim reviews seriously, too

Plenty of research is floating around that supports the idea that annual performance reviews aren’t effective in driving higher performance—but should you stop conducting them?

Don’t worry about motivation; hire self-motivated people instead

There’s a philosophy out there that you can motivate almost anyone to do their job. It implies we can motivate someone, as well as take away their motivation. Although this viewpoint is typically well-intended, it is counterproductive to greater success.

Are your workers preparing taxes on company time?

As the April 15 tax filing deadline approaches, a new Accountemps survey suggests that work responsibilities are getting sidelined by personal income tax preparation.

Cite specifics to document poor performance

When disciplining workers, consider the potential for lawsuits. Assume that anyone you terminate might sue.

March Madness means camaraderie, at a cost

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Carefully document customer complaints if they might be used to justify termination

If your employees can be terminated because of customer complaints, make sure you have a reliable method for tracking those complaints. Be sure to include as many details as possible.

The lighter side: Taking fun seriously

Research increasingly supports the notion that some laughter and playfulness in the office corresponds to a myriad of positives: reduced employee turnover, improved well-being, better communication, higher creativity and greater productivity, to name a few.

6 college experiences turn students into engaged workers

A survey released in January found that recent college grads who cited these six college experiences also ranked highest in measures of workplace engagement.

Hey, where is everyone the day after the Super Bowl?

Employee absenteeism after major sports events like the Super Bowl is on the rise, suggests new research from staffing firm OfficeTeam.

Employers rethinking performance appraisals

The performance review is getting a makeover, suggests new research from staffing firm OfficeTeam.