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Productivity / Performance

Almost all managers agree: Staff are burning out

According to the World Health Organization, burnout now warrants classification as an official medical condition resulting from workplace stress.

Cite poor performance to justify termination

Smart employers always document poor performance with specific examples. That way, you have a ready defense for just about any surprise discrimination lawsuit.

Objective measures are most persuasive, so focus on performance criteria

Remind supervisors to always focus on performance—not intangibles like “attitude”—using as many objective measures as possible. If an employee later alleges some form of discrimination, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you kept things professional by focusing on what really matters: doing the job.

Fantasy football could cost employers $9 billion

An estimated 12.5 million adults will play fantasy football this year, according to 2018 data from Nielsen Scarborough. With an estimated total of nearly two-thirds of those adults employed, that means over 7.5 million workers will be researching their teams during work hours.

Dropping ratings doesn’t mean better feedback

While the number of companies that don’t use performance ratings and rankings has doubled in the past six years, only 15% of companies globally have eliminated them, says a new Mercer report.

4 ways managers can cultivate intrinsic motivation

Intrinsically motivated employees want to succeed because of the internal benefit they experience—like pride or perhaps the internal satisfaction of simply feeling they’ve been productive.

Heck yes it’s Monday! Let’s get to work!

Some workers go to bed Sunday nights dreading the workweek to come, but Mondays and Tuesdays—especially in the morning—are when employees are most productive, suggests new research from staffing firm Accountemps.

Out of the doldrums: How to reignite your employees’ passion

Just as partners benefit from checking with one another to gauge fulfillment levels and figure out how to grow together, managers who take an interest in maintaining a passionate staff reap great rewards.

How to document employee infractions: 4 ‘musts’ to include

In his recent Business Management Daily webinar, Documenting Employee Performance, author and HR executive Paul Falcone explained how much (and what kind) of details should be included when documenting employee performance and behavior problems.

Document problems that justify discipline

Some employees are more difficult to manage than others. Be sure to document exactly what errors the employee makes and the rules he breaks. Then discipline strictly by the rules.