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Productivity / Performance

Do annual reviews work? A case study, success story & interview


When Suzanne Benoit, SPHR, joined Wright-Ryan Con­­struc­­tion as its HR director, she learned that the company had been using an annual performance review process that wasn’t yielding the results it wanted. She then created a new process designed to improve performance, accountability and employee engagement. Here’s a conversation we recently had about how that process worked and its results.

5 key actions good employees take to create great work


Truly great work produces an outcome that makes a difference. It’s work that moves results from good to great—for example, improving a process, saving a customer or increasing revenues. Truly great work is produced by people who routinely do the same five things, says David Sturt, executive vice president of O.C. Tanner.

Tuesday packs biggest productivity punch

If work is getting done, it’s probably a Tuesday. By a wide margin, that’s our most productive day of the week, according to an Accountemps poll of HR managers.

ADA: Essential Functions


HR Law 101: An employer needn’t hire a disabled person if he or she lacks the requisite skills, experience and education for the job in question. But if the deciding factor is the disability, you must prove that the condition interferes with what the ADA terms the “essential functions” of the job …

Accommodation failing? Focus on performance

Employers must reasonably accommodate disabled workers so they can perform the essential functions of their jobs. But what should you do if you have made accommodations and they don’t seem to be working?

Holiday cybershopping could kill productivity

Over half of workers (54%) expect to spend some time at work shopping online for the holidays, up from 49% last year, according to a survey by CareerBuilder.com.

3 holiday headaches could slow down work

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day typically finds employees distracted—if they’re at work at all. Head off a big productivity slump by anticipating these three problems.

Survey: Stress is top workforce health risk

Stress is the No. 1 workforce health issue, ranking above physical inactivity and obesity, according to a Towers Watson Staying@Work Survey. But only 15% of employers identify improving employees’ emotional and mental health as a top priority of their health and productivity programs.

‘I’m pregnant’ + poor review = likely employee lawsuit

When a formerly high-rated em­­ployee suddenly finds herself on the receiving end of a poor evaluation, she’s likely to look for a reason—such as her recent announcement that she is expecting a baby.

Want to retain employee threatening to quit? Think twice before over-promising

Here’s a warning that may save you time and trouble: If you want to keep an employee who has another job offer, be careful what you promise.