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Employee Relations

Don’t let a scheduling conflict prompt reservists’ discipline, firing

Run supervisors through some basic training on strict
military-leave law. Why? More than 168,000 National Guard and reservists are currently on active duty and Congress is considering changes that would …

Centralize job references to minimize exposure


Q. Concerning writing reference letters, we have a few supervisors who think it’s OK to write them only for “good” employees. But our policy says supervisors can’t issue reference letters for any current or former employee. I’m having a hard time finding a reason that justifies our policy. Help! —P.T., South Dakota

Juries punish rushed investigations; keep an open mind

Issue: Following correct protocol when investigating harassment complaints. Risk: Courts will slap organizations with big punitive damage awards …

Common small-company confusion: believing FMLA applies to them

Small employers may be hurting their productivity by offering more generous family-and-medical leave benefits than legally required.
That’s the message of a new National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) study, …

Tap into employee brainstorms via suggestion program

Issue: Employees have great ideas every day. Is your organization tapping into them? Benefits: A properly managed suggestion program can improve morale, increase …

Accommodate group prayer if it won’t cause ‘Hardship’


Q. A group of our employees met during their break to have group prayer. A supervisor complained to our president, who instructed that we should notify employees that they can’t pray on break time. Nor can they pray during lunch unless they leave the building. Some employees are upset. Is this policy legal? —M.S., California

Start of absence, not approval date, sets 12-week FMLA clock ticking

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave. When do those 12 weeks officially begin? A new court ruling …

When in doubt, print it out: Don’t change policy via e-mail

Issue: How to notify employees of new employment policies or changes to existing policies. Risk: A new court ruling says that using solely e-mail notification can lead to unwanted legal …

Top brass not listening? Scare ’em straight with true stories

Issue: Many CEOs take a head-in-the-sand approach to employment-law threats. Risk: The top brass may tune you out if you simply tell them …

Write concrete terms into your policies; don’t waffle

Issue: The wording used in your employment policies. Risk: Overly vague language makes it difficult for employees to comply and makes you more vulnerable …