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Employee Relations

Onboarding: 15 questions to ask employees in their first 60 days


With the economy on the rise, employees are finding it easier to leave jobs in which they’re not completely comfortable. That’s putting more pressure on HR and managers to improve the onboarding process for new hires.

Is it time to ban BlackBerrys from company meetings?


A new survey shows that employees are becoming increasingly comfortable checking their e-mails in the middle of meetings. But do those numbers make the practice OK, and does your organization need to lay down the law on when and how mobile devices can be used? If your organization is going to allow employees to use mobile devices during meetings, pass along these tips …

Court: Intermittent FMLA leave won’t cover tardiness, bathroom breaks


Employees are becoming well versed in the FMLA game, and you’re paying the price. Unscheduled intermittent leaves now account for a huge portion of all FMLA leaves of absence. And while the law does allow employees to take FMLA leave in small bites for a doctor’s visit or to care for a sick relative, it doesn’t give them unfettered rights to random work breaks or to arrive late without a good excuse …

Reduce Turnover by Showing Applicants ‘A Day in the Life’


In their zeal to attract good candidates, HR people and hiring managers often show job candidates only a shiny, happy picture of the organization. That’s not smart …

Ban smoking or ban smokers? How far can you legally go?


Thirty states and the District of Columbia have established “lifestyle discrimination” laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against employees or applicants based on the person’s off-duty use of tobacco or participation in other legal though controversial activities …

At Whole Foods, employee benefits are chosen through workplace vote


Elections occur every three years, not four, at the Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods Market company. But employees aren’t voting for politicians. They’re choosing their benefits package …

Celebrate diversity this Cinco de Mayo


Want a more creative office environment? Then celebrate the diversity and differences among co-workers.

When office humor is no laughing matter

Laughter can often be not only the best medicine but also the best management tool, but it’s also part of your job to know when workplace humor goes too far.

Extract First-Rate Ideas From Employees


“Why does our company do that?” You know employees ask that question (in their heads) a dozen times a day …

Reserve Rewards for Top-Notch Performance


Imagine if your organization’s managers could stop paying people and start buying their results, one by one. What do you think would happen if every manager had the discretion, the ability, the skill and the gumption to start negotiating with employees as if they were outside vendors?