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Employee Relations

Get organized: 6 ways to zip through e-mail clutter


Some people are deleters and some are hoarders. Either way, you can learn from these e-mail efficiency tips …

Texas workers more confident, which may lead to turnover


Texas workers are becoming more confident in their ability to find a new job, according to the Spherion Employment Report, a monthly survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Spherion Corp. …

Hiring the hearing impaired: Home Depot sets model program


Atlanta-based Home Depot recently completed a yearlong implementation of its Deaf2Work program in Minnesota, in collaboration with that state’s employment department …

New govt. guidance on protecting staff from avian flu


Dire warnings of avian flu outbreaks have some employers and employees spooked. So OSHA just unveiled new safety and health guidance on occupational exposure to avian flu and practical recommendations on ways to avoid infection …

Lighten your HR load by using supervisors wisely

Say you’re part of an overworked two- or three-person HR department that struggles to keep up with basic administrative duties. Solution: Use supervisors to assist in HR, but be smart in what you choose to delegate.

How to talk to young employees about retirement planning


Your 20-something employees are more worried about repaying student loans and moving into their first homes than saving for retirement. So convincing them to contribute to a 401(k) is often a tough sell. The solution: Make your pitch relevant to their lifestyles …

Be wary of discussing sensitive personnel issues via e-mail


You’ve got (legally explosive) e-mail. That’s the message a Broward Circuit Court jury recently delivered to United Parcel Service in a court decision that hinged on a single e-mail sent by a company official …

Employers benefiting from latest round of prescription drug price wars


In a move that is spurring big competition among pharmacies, Wal-Mart is quickly expanding its low-cost prescription program, which began in Florida in October, to an additional 27 states. The retailing giant will offer $4 prescriptions for 30-day supplies of about 300 common generic drugs, whether the customer carries insurance or not …

Wal-Mart’s Low-Cost Drug Plan May Help Cure Employer Woes


Wal-Mart’s recent expansion of its popular generic drug plan into Georgia and 26 other states bodes well for employers struggling to keep up with rising health insurance rates …

Pill for a health cost headache: Wal-Mart’s Low-Cost Drugs in N.J.


Health insurance premiums for New Jersey families covered by employer plans rose about 80 percent over the past six years and grew a whopping 5.5 times faster than their income, according to a Families USA study. On the bright side, Wal-Mart recently expanded its new low-cost generic drug program to New Jersey