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Employee Relations

Increase HSA enrollment by sweetening the plan


Enrollment in health savings accounts (HSAs) is flat, and employee satisfaction with the pretax, consumer-directed plans is low, reports the Kaiser Family Foundation. Yet more organizations are offering them because employees who do participate have been found to spend less on health care than others. Here are five ways your organization can boost employee enrollment and satisfaction in HSAs …

Free meals bring employees to the table


Employees of Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta don’t nosh on the organization’s famous breaded chicken breast sandwiches at lunchtime. They don’t “brown-bag” it either. To encourage employee bonding, the organization treats employees each day to entrées, such as pork loin with asparagus and crusted chicken breast with cauliflower …

5 simple ways to salvage a ‘below-standard’ employee

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How to calm an angry employee: tips from HR pros


A participant in our HR Specialist Forum posed this question: “When some employees come to the HR office, they carry on like they’re at home yelling at their children. What can we do to stop this?" Here’s how some HR professionals replied.

How to manage an ‘Erin Brockovich’


After seeing the movie ‘Erin Brockovich,” you think, “I supervise someone like her.”  Here’s how to manage flashy free-spirits:

Cleveland Clinic hit with sex assault whistle-Blower suit


Scott Graham, a surgical assistant in the heart unit of the renowned Cleveland Clinic, filed suit against the clinic—plus affiliated Lakewood and Fairview hospitals—for retaliating against him after he reported alleged sexual assaults by head surgeon Dr. Baldev Sekhon …

Best bet: Always investigate hostile environment claims


You’ve heard a rumor that one of your employees is looking for or has already accepted another job. Then you call him into a meeting to discuss the matter. You ask whether the rumor is true. That’s when the employee admits the job hunt, but hits you with the reason: He claims the work environment is so hostile that he has no choice but to look. What’s your next step? Do you fire him since he’s looking for other work? Or do you tell him you will investigate his claims and then follow up? …

Personality clash? Don’t automatically transfer complainer


Employees who complain of harassment may actually be experiencing a personality conflict. Circumstances that lead someone to see harassment based on race, disability or gender may be nothing more than the result of difficulty getting along with others. If your internal investigation reveals no real discrimination, you may be tempted to move the feuding parties as far away from each other as possible. But that may backfire, especially if the person you transfer is the one who complained of discrimination in the first place …

OK to punish worker acting alone to end alleged harassment


When it comes to sexual harassment, employers need a clear policy and a process that allows employees to come forward with claims. That’s really the only way an organization can protect itself. But what if an employee who thinks he’s being harassed ignores your policy and acts alone to contact the alleged harasser anonymously? If this “self-help” seems to threaten the alleged harasser, you can punish the employee without worrying about liability …

Independent inquiry saves the day on supervisor harassment


Employers can fairly easily limit their liability in sexual harassment cases. Rigorously enforcing a solid harassment policy does the trick. But supervisor harassment is another matter. When a supervisor allegedly harasses a subordinate, the employer is liable unless it can show that some “tangible employment action” by the supervisor didn’t adversely affect
the victim …