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Discipline / Investigations

What, if anything, should I do about off-work employee harassment?


Q. An employee complained that co-workers made fun of her at an after-work bowling event. She says they made fun of her accent (she is an immigrant) and talked about sexual acts involving her. She is embarrassed now and does not want to work with the people involved. Do I need to look into this, or should I refuse because the incidents took place away from work? …

Work rules can regulate some employee political advocacy


On July 22, 2008, the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Office of the General Counsel issued a guidance memorandum addressing unfair labor practice (ULP) charges involving political advocacy. The impetus for the general counsel’s memorandum stemmed from a series of ULP charges filed in late 2006 involving employers that allegedly disciplined employees for participating in nationwide and local demonstrations …

Strickland orders DPS to stop destroying records


Gov. Ted Strickland has ordered the Ohio Department of Safety to stop destroying records about employee misconduct and discipline. The request came after the Columbus Dispatch sought records concerning the discipline of a state trooper …

Remind bosses: They may be personally liable for discrimination under N.Y. law


Sometimes, it takes a strong argument to get supervisors to pay attention. Want them to make absolutely sure no one is being harassed or discriminated against? Just remind bosses that turning a blind eye to workplace problems may cause them terrible legal and financial problems of their own …

Solid policy, prompt responses to bias complaints can prevent lawsuits


New York state law prohibits discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. Employers can protect themselves from needless discrimination lawsuits by introducing a robust anti-discrimination policy and a clear and effective process for resolving complaints. Acting fast is the key …

Hempstead Township faces sexual harassment suit


Two former employees of the Hempstead Sanitation Department have filed a sexual harassment and race discrimination lawsuit claiming their supervisor, Frank Pepe, offered perks and gifts in exchange for sexual favors …

REDA provides whistle-blower protection during some internal investigations, too


Until recently, it was unclear whether reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions to an internal auditor or another responsible party was “protected activity” under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA). Now a federal court has decided that REDA may cover internal reports …

Serenex chemist sold pharmaceutical secrets to Chinese


Serenex, the Durham-based biopharmaceutical company, is due to collect $57.5 million from two Chinese companies and a former Serenex employee who Wake County Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens said conspired to steal trade secrets. But it’s doubtful Serenex will ever collect the money …

Speaking of free rides …


A report released by a regional accrediting agency showed that Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe received a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University even though he earned only 15 of the required 28 credits for the degree …

Ban obviously racist comments, or prepare to face EEOC discrimination lawsuit


Some talk doesn’t belong at work. Period. If you don’t ban racist comments, you’ll probably face an EEOC lawsuit …