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Discipline / Investigations

Can we discipline an employee for secretly recording workplace conversations?

Q. Some employees discovered that a co-worker has been secretly recording conversations with them and some supervisors. One of them brought it to our attention after he grew suspicious that the employee was digging for information about some employment decisions we had made. Several employees have complained about the invasion of their privacy. The company president’s first reaction was to have the employee arrested, but I’m not sure he broke any laws. Our policies prohibit general harassment, but do not specifically address clandestine recordings. Can we discipline this employee? Should we contact police? …

Open-Door policy is good insurance against harassment claims

You need an open-door policy encouraging employees to come forward with sexual harassment claims. If you show you mean business—by appropriately responding to harassment charges—chances are employees will lose lawsuits if they decline to use the open door and instead suffer sexual harassment in silence …

Track HR decisions to show discipline wasn’t harassment

The best way to prevent lawsuits or to get a quick dismissal of unfounded charges is to document every employment decision carefully. You and your staff should be able to show exactly when a decision was made, who made it and what the basis for the decision was …

Addicts, disgruntled workers seize substance abuse rehab centers

A group of recovering addicts and disgruntled employees seized control of six Eastern Pennsylvania drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, saying administrators didn’t understand how to treat addiction and were interfering with their rehab …

Were professors moonlighting across time zones?

Two married professors at Georgia Tech are under investigation for fraud and theft after the university discovered they had taken jobs at the University of Minnesota (U of M) while continuing to collect paychecks from Georgia Tech …

After discrimination complaint, be sure to document any potential disciplinary moves

State and federal laws protect employees who file discrimination complaints from retaliation for making those complaints. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you carefully document any disciplinary moves that occur after an employee has complained of discrimination …

The HR I.Q. Test: June ’08

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

OK to fire and then investigate—But be consistent

It’s legitimate to discipline or fire employees who behave badly. But employers that mandate suspension or termination for rule violations must apply the policy to everyone who violates the same rule. Then they should follow up with a prompt and thorough investigation into exactly what happened …

Settlement for profs who thought 100% was a passing grade

Two Southern Illinois University at Carbondale professors who were threatened with punishment after they aced a mandatory online ethics test have received a settlement in a lawsuit they brought against the state. Why did the state want to punish them? They finished the 10-question exam too quickly …

Be alert for retaliation after employee reports wrongdoing

The Minnesota Whistleblower Act (MWA) is designed to protect Minnesota employees who are punished for reporting company practices they believe are illegal. It’s not HR’s job to determine whether anything illegal occurred. However, when an employee has blown the whistle on a company practice, HR must make sure any future discipline is warranted and not driven by an ulterior motive …