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Discipline / Investigations

Feds: Harrisburg leasing firms dodged payroll taxes

A federal grand jury has indicted three Harrisburg area men on tax evasion charges stemming from their operation of several worker leasing businesses. The U.S. Attorney alleges that the three men paid workers more than $7 million in wages from 2006 to 2012 but never withheld or paid federal income taxes.

Is that employee lying? Here’s what to look for

That colleague looking you intently in the eye as he answers your questions may be fibbing. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception, says these are common tip-offs that someone is lying.

6 steps for setting up an in-house dispute resolution system

An alternative dispute-resolution program lets you identify and address problems while they’re still manageable and before they land in court. Here’s a six-step process for establishing an ADR program.

Track problems as soon as troublemaking starts


Sometimes, employees who sense they are skating on thin ice at work will decide they want to keep their jobs, improve their output and adjust their attitudes to comply with your expectations. And sometimes they won’t. Determine which path such an employee has chosen by tracking both work performance and behavior over time.

Outrageous employee behavior? Don’t fear quick-trigger discipline


When faced with misbehaving employees, HR people are always counseled to avoid quick firings and hold tight to the three D’s—document, deliberate and decide. But some workplace behavior is so outrageous that employers must take immediate action.

Foresee having to fire difficult employee? Track warnings and discipline for later use


Sometimes, employees who sense they are skating on thin ice at work will decide they want to keep their jobs, improve their output and adjust their attitudes to comply with your expectations. And sometimes they won’t. Determine which path such an employee has chosen by tracking both work performance and behavior over time.

Legal strategy: GM issues recall on dangerous words


According to an Associated Press report, General Motors is so worried about future litigation that it has ordered employees to stop using 68 specific terms in internal correspondence relating to safety issues.

Suspect an employee is being harassed? Ask if she wants an investigation

Some employees may be embarrassed when they experience sex­­ual harassment. They may feel too uncomfortable to come right out and repeat offensive comments they heard. What should HR do?

Employers crack down on social media abuse

More than 70% of employers have disciplined employees for misuse of social media. Daniel Ornstein of the Proskauer law firm outlines ways to stop the headaches before they happen.

Employers crack down on social media abuse

While the initial explosion in social media usage took em­­ployers (and their attorneys) off guard, more organizations now have clear employment policies—and they’re not shy about flexing them.