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Discipline / Investigations

Reprimanding employees: 6 tips for doing it right

Sometimes managers need to pull a worker aside and have “the talk.” Coach bosses to follow these tips.

Start progressive discipline if there’s been no cooperation


Some employees resent it when their employer requests work that falls outside their usual job duties. They may resist training and generally become uncooperative to the point of insubordination. That’s when it’s time to implement your progressive discipline system.

Defend discipline with detailed records


You discipline an employee for a serious rule violation, perhaps by firing the employee. Because you had good reasons for discharging the employee, you may think that you can’t be sued for discrimination. That’s not necessarily true.

Even unwritten rules must be enforced fairly and consistently

It’s not enough to impartially and equitably uphold your formal rules. As this new case shows, even unwritten rules require fair and evenhanded enforcement.

Sexual Harassment: Overview


HR Law 101: Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Courts are increasingly taking a dim view of employers that don’t take decisive action to prevent sexual harassment …

Sex Discrimination


HR Law 101: Sex discrimination and sexual harassment are illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The law requires that employers treat male and female workers equally in all terms and conditions of employment …

Manage attendance starting with first incident


If an employee has chronic attendance problems, you can’t rely on company policy to make things easier. Even if the worker’s supervisor follows the rules and metes out punishment fairly, it’s still a distraction from more important matters.

4 principles for creating a progressive discipline system

No state or federal law requires a company to establish a progressive discipline policy. But if you put one in place, make sure you follow it.

Suspicious minds: Bosses check up on absent staff

Workers who call in sick usually get the benefit of the doubt, but 31% of managers polled by CareerBuilder.com say they have checked to see if an absent employee was telling the truth.

Employee theft costs retail sector more than shoplifting

Employees swipe more from retailers than shoplifters do, according to a new study. The annual Global Retail Theft Barometer reports that dishonest employees cost retailers $18 billion in revenue last year, more than the $15.7 billion taken by light-fingered shoppers.