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Discipline / Investigations

Liar, liar, pants on fire! That’s what happens when you try to microwave them

As has become an annual tradition, CareerBuilder.com asked more than 2,000 bosses to share their employees’ most dubious excuses for calling in sick.

What employers need to know about domestic violence

Em­­ploy­­ers often struggle with how to react to sensitive and highly personal situations. Here are some of the considerations to weigh when confronted with a domestic violence case involving an employee.

Investigate, separate the parties when employee alleges co-worker harassment

When an employee claims a co-worker sexually harassed her, employers have to investigate the claim, even if there aren’t any witnesses. Getting to the truth requires a timely investigation, as well as immediately separating the co-workers.

Before discipline, what should we document?

Q. What documentation is necessary before disciplining an employee?

Comcast bill dispute allegedly costs customer his job

Philadelphia-based Comcast’s much maligned customer service has taken another hit. This time a Cali­­f­or­­nia man claims a cable TV billing dispute caused him to lose his job with Price­­waterhouse­­Coopers.

Win discrimination, retaliation lawsuits with patience, careful documentation

Simply put, documentation is what wins many lawsuits. That’s especially true when more than one supervisor has documented past problems.

Bullying: The workplace’s equal opportunity problem

Twenty-eight percent of workers responding to a new CareerBuilder.com poll say they have felt bullied at work. For 19%, the abuse was so bad they quit their jobs because of it.

DOL: Baby Vision tried to silence workers, thwart probe

The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a restraining order against BabyVision Inc. in Poughkeepsie after workers reported being threatened and intimidated by the company’s two owners.

Discipline when dashed romance affects work

Bad relationships can affect employees in surprising ways. When a romance ends, anger and frustration at home can wind up infecting the workplace. You can discipline employees if blow-back from love gone wrong harms your business.

Focus on behavior when disciplining jerks

Some employees behave in ways that create an unpleasant environment for their co-workers, subordinates or supervisors. There’s no reason to put up with bullies and other ill-behaved employees.